Running MASM in an IDE

In the AUL lab

It is possible to use Visual Studio to assemble, lin, run, and debug masm programs.

Do this only once: Start, Programs, Applications, Set up MASM. You will get a message saying that the merge was successful.

Once you have done the above, then you can access Visual Studio from any computer in the AUL and you should see three options under the Tools menu

Working on a program in Visual Studio

In the PC411 lab

To start PWB

It will automatically start in the C:\fpuser\startup directory. Be sure to save your work to the A: drive when you are done, and delete your work from C:\fpuser\startup.

PWB Information

You should periodically save your .ASM file to the A:\ drive. This will prevent the loss of your program in the event that the computer needs to be rebooted. How often you do this is up to you, just ask your elf the question, "How much of my work am I willing to lose?"

When you are all done with your editing session, you should save all of your work to the A:\ drive, or you will lose it all. You should also delete the copy of your work from C:\fpuser\startup, as the next user of the system could copy your work. The second command will display the directory of the A:\ drive for your project. Be sure that the time of the .ASM file is correct. Only do the last command when you are sure that the first command worked, or you will lose all of your work. These commands assume that your file was named first.asm.

At home

Using PWB

If you have all your environment variables set up properly, then you should be able to create a shortcut to PWB in your bin or binr directory. Configuring MASM 6.11 from your home computer

PWB Information

Using Visual Studio

If you have Visual Studio installed at home, you can configure it to Assemble, Link, Debug and Execute MASM programs. In the following, I will assume the following:

To modify Visual Studio, do the following

Working on programs in Visual Studio