Jan 2006 First Place

Cream Ale
by Scott & Denise Graham

Ingredients for 4 gallons:
3 lbs M&F Extra Light Dry Malt Extract
1 lb Rice Syrup
3/4 oz Fuggle Pellets 4% - 45 minutes
1/4 oz Fuggle Pellets 4% - 20 minutes
1 tsp. Irish Moss, rehydrated - 20 minutes
Safale US-56 dry ale yeast

Bring water to a boil. Remove from heat. Add DME and Rice Syrup, stir until dissolved. Bring back to a gentle boil. Skim to remove protiens. Add Bittering hops. Continue the gentle boil for 25 minutes. Add flavor hops and irish moss. Continue the gentle boil for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, whirlpool, and cool to pitching temperature. Aerate and add yeast. Ferment during a cold front (seven days in primary in this instance), transfer to keg, force carbonate to ensure over-carbonation. Enjoy immediately (two days after kegging for this beer).

Jan 2006 Second Place
Mark Kelly

3/4 lb Rye
1/4 lb Cara-Pils
Steeped in 1 gal.  of water for 20 min. @ 150 degrees,
sparged with 1/2 gal. of water @170 degrees.
 Bring to a boil and remove from burner and add
6 lbs. Muntons light DME
bring back to a boil and add
1 oz Hallertauer  whole hops
boil for 1 hour.
The last 20 min. of the boil add
1 oz Saaz whole hops and 1 tsp of Irish moss (rehydrated).
At the end of the hour add 1/2 oz Chinook whole hops.
Remove from heat and cool down ( I use a sink full of ice water and set my brewp
ot in it for about 10 min.).
Strain into a carboy and add water till you have 5 gals.
 Add Wyeast 1089 (British Ale)
 Shake well to aerate and ferment at 68 degrees for 1 week
 Rack into a secondary for another week and then keg.
 Force carbonate and enjoy

Jan 2006 Third Place
Patrick Gibson

Not yet submitted