Attending members: Jodi, Bob(treasurer), Caroline, Eric(secretary), Josh(VP), Scott(president),  Denise

Attending Guests: Dave(brewbox), Walter, John, Patrick, Stephan

Called to order: 7:35

Sec report: Minutes distributed. Accepted

Treasurer Report: Some money in the bank. 

Old Business:
	Scott called IRS - They will be in contact if they have questions about our
                           non-profit status

New Business:
	Competition kudos
		Sazz - JK won a bunch. 
			3rd Place IPA
			3rd Place Belgian Strong
			2nd Place spice/herb/vegetable beer
			1st Place Rocket Fuel!

	Competition railroad to Sunshine Challenge
		7 entries at least needed to go prompt railroad north.

	Mash Dues due
		Dec 1st ?

	Need date/place for Winter Solstice
		Dec 18th E&C

	Need to start organizing categories for 2011 BotY - volunteers?
		Josh/Jon will review/propose

	Coconut Cup Planning - committees and assignments?
		entries due Feb 4th
		contest date Feb 12th

	Need to start putting together officer candidates for 2011 - volunteers?
	Teach a friend to home-brew day Nov 7th (also Carl Sagan day)

	Beer tasting at Sunset Corners

BOTY judging 

21. Spice/Herb/Vegetable

Entries: 1
A spicy herby beer. Mesquite flower

First place: Josh K

November BOTY: Smoke-Flavored & Wood-Aged Beer.