Attending members: Jodi, Bob(treasurer), Josh(VP), Scott(president),  Denise, Jon, Colin, Jake,
		   Brian D, Richard L, Bob B, David K, John M

Attending guests: Jocelyn H

Called to order: 7:30

Sec report: Secratary not in attendance. Minutes posted and approved

Treasurer Report: Some money in the bank. 

Old Business:
	Not yet heard back from IRS on non-profit status submission

New Business:
	Competition kudos
		Sunshine - 3rd place for Josh

	Mash Dues due at December meeting

	Winter Solstice Dec 18th @ E&C's

	BOTY catagories - discussed, modified, accepted.

	Officer elections to be held at Dec meeting. Scott will organize slate.

	United Way Winter Food Festival
		April 24th 2011
		Scott coordinating a beer centric meet/greet/educate

	Coconut Cup Planning - underway, discussion about venue.
		Scott will register with AHA
		entries due Feb 4th
		contest date Feb 12th

	Meadlenium - Jan 28th, entries due Jan 22.

BOTY judging 

21. Smoke-Flavored & Wood-Aged Beer.

Entries: 1
Cedar Pale Ale
Chickory Smoked Amber
Smoked Porter

First place: 
Smoked Porter

Tie for second:
Cedar Pale Ale
Chickory Smoked Amber

December BOTY: 