Present: Trey Warren, Denise, Scott, Colin, Bob, Jody, Eric, Dave Called to order 19:36. Officer Reports: Tres: 2549.16 + 70 in dues tonight Sec: Dec Minutes posted Old Business New officers Dues are due 2011 BOTY: Jon B. 2011 - 2nd place tie Jon B and Dave and BOB. New Buisness BFBC: entry 1-15 to 2-8 Main Judging: 2-25 Coco Cup: entry 2-13 to 2-24 Main judging 3-3 at american legion need some kegs for the day case boxes pre-judging - need a few venus shwag report - sent to 55 vendors - 23 commitiments - 2 maybes BJCP new testing program comeing soon - soon they say you can be "BJCP recognized" via electronic testing BOTY: Porter 2 entries - Scott&Denise Dave&Bob Tie for first place