
Bob, Rachael, Bob B, Jodi, Jon, Alisa, Patrick, Scott, Denise, Eric, Bob F, Roger, Dave

Called to order: 7:44pm 

Officer Reports:
	Tres: 	2549.16 + 70 - coco cup - flr biz - other stuff
	Sec: 	Jan Minutes done, but not posted
	VP: 	Our identity has been stolen (IRS called)

Old Business

	2011 BOTY: BFBC - Bob entered

New Buisness
	sunset corners: pourers for united way charity 18-21st of april

	FIU brew Gump contest: aate is changed

	Coco Cup:
		entry window 2-13 to 2-24
		268 entries
		main judging 3-3 at american legion 
			need some kegs for the day
			case boxes
		pre-judging - sun 26th	- jons
                              tue 28th 6ish eve - jons
                              fri 2nd - erics?
                              wed - extra day
		food - cold sandwichins and outragous bagles for saturday
		shwag report - funky budha, joint, sports grill added

		big bear - beer railroad 2-23	


BOTY: Little Sumptin Clone

	Even though this was Josh K's idea, he didn't enter.

	Entries Bob and Dave 2 entries (one with wrong yeast)

	Dave Bob 1st 
	Dave Bob 1 point for demo

Ajourned 838pm