MASH Meeting

Minutes for June 16, 2012

Attendance: Jon and Alisa, Scott and Denise, Dave K., Bob and Rachel, Bob and Jody, Eric

Called to Order: 12:33 pm

Officers’ Reports: no reports

Old Business

	State of the Club
		We’ve been doing a good job so far
		Need to grow the membership
		Old members have been coming to meetings but haven’t paid dues to
		become current members

	Vertical banner is okayed for purchase

New Business


	IPA Throwdown – MASH scored no medals

	First Coast Cup
		Entry window opens first week of July
		Competition is July 27-28

	Commander Saaz
		Entry window 8/5-9/5
		Final judging is September 28-29

	Sunshine Challenge

	Club Only Competitions
		It was agreed to align the 2012-2013 BoTY with the AHA Club Only
		competition schedule

	Meeting Locations

		Agreed to meet at the World of Beer for the July meeting

		There was a discussion about separating social meetings and formal
		business meetings. In many locations, it is hard to conduct business
		because the venue is too loud.

		It was agreed to look into holding formal meetings at the Sports Grill
		in South Miami. We could schedule social meetings at various locations.

	World of Beer
		The WoB wants to connect to our Facebook group and advertise our
		meetings on their page

	Cervezas in South Miami
		Had suggested they would be willing to let us do a tap takeover,
		possibly in August
		We would need about 5-6 kegs in order to do this
		Bob Billany agreed to contact them to discuss the details
		In preparation, the following allocations were agreed upon:
		Bob and Dave: smoked porter
		Bob Beard: bitter
		Scott and Denise: Saison
		Eric: IPA

	Promotional Opportunities

			Usually held at the end of September. Bob Billany would find out the
			details involved in getting a table.
			We would need 5-6 kegs for this event

		Hunapu Day at Cigar City
			Held in March
			We would need 5-6 kegs

		Brews and Bites for United Way
			Held in April
			If we’re able to get a table again this year, we would need 4-5 kegs

	National Mead Day – August 4th

		Mead Day activities will be on August 5th at the Graham house
		We need to find a source of honey

		It was agreed that t-shirts would feature the Guzzler and polo shirts
		would feature the more formal logo

		Jon is going to speak to some of his contacts from the athletics
		department at Southwest to determine prices


		The Dunedin website should be referenced for circuit information
		Include a section for the history of the club

		List the meeting dates and locations for the entire year. Indicate that
		these are subject to change.

		The look of the page needs to be updated. All links need to be checked.

	BoTY for June

		Category is IPA
			There was a tie for 1st place: Jon, Dave and Bob