(Ex) President's Message

Dear club members it is with great pride that I say it has been a great year and a half serving as the head MASHer. As president, I believe that we have achieved our collective goal of creating an educated and technical homebrewer. Just look at the score cards: a hotly contested Coconut Cup '99, outstanding placement in FLAB's Ft. Lauderdale Brewoff, and two members being awarded medals in National AHA and GABF competitions. Congratulations to all! These great finishes for our close-knit club help to illustrate that membership numbers do not always suggest the true potential of a club. Yet, all work and no play makes the homebrewer a dull boy. What fun would it be if we never really "let it all hang out" at one of our many social events? Looking at our past social gatherings we see a vast potential of future fun: Monthly Meetings, AHA Homebrewer Picnic, Special Brewmaster Dinners, Anniversary Celebrations, the Coconut Cup Competition, Oktoberfest Celebrations, Brewer of the Year and the Winter Solstice Party. Of course this is only the short list of fun and rewarding club activities offered to the membership. It's time for a cold one. See you in five.

As president, I would like to thank all of my fellow officers and club members for their support. To Richard Pushaw, ex-president and editor of the Tropical Homebrewer, a very hearty "three cheers" for your terrific work on the newsletter. As a club, all members owe you so much for the "nuts and bolts" work of organizing and incorporating MASH. You may be gone but not forgotten (especially in June when we all come to visit while attending the AHA Regional in Detroit). A TOAST, to ALL the chairpersons of the various committees who helped to make the various activities of the club that much better. Special thanks to Steve Tallman for his creative energy and enterprise. We will miss both him and Cindy. To the Ross's, Scott and Janice, thank you for not only opening your home but for your goodwill given to all. To Bob Beard congratulations and enjoy the ride. Remember "ask not what your club can do for you, but ask what you can do for your club." Let's all pour another! Hoppy Holidays. Bob Fischer