Hello MASHers,

Many thanks to Caroline and Eric for hosting yet another Solstice Party. I'm confident that we all had a great time!

At the June meeting, the club decided to bring our Bylaws up to date with our current practices and to maintain its 501(c)3 status. The executive board will send out a draft set of Bylaws in the coming weeks so we can have them adopted in time to start our new Fiscal Year.

The June BotY competition had a good turnout of Belgian and French Ale entries. Colin took third place, Josh took second place, and Denise and I took first place. The July competition category is Sour Ale. Good luck to everyone who made one!

In the club's e-mail correspondence, it seems that August 21st or 22nd are the leading contenders for the club's Mead Day gathering. We'll settle on a day, place (Colin's house seems to be the leading contender), and honey procurer at the July meeting.

On the competition schedule, The First Coast Cup is scheduled to be held in Jacksonville 7/30-31. Good luck to all who entered; I hope that at least one of you is making it up and will have a great time. Looking further into the future, it appears that the Commander SAAZ competition has been scheduled for October 8th-10th.

MASH President 2010