Sorry for not keeping the President's Message current, but things have been different with me the last few months. I have been busy around the house, at work, with my part time work, and at the Graybar Campus. I have to train for my job on the computer at work and at home and I have to read a lot of material and take tests on it.
It was nice to see most of you at the Miami German American Club Oktoberfest. My wife and I left early so I hope the rest of you guys didn't get buzzed too bad. We all met at Scott Graham's house for pre drinks before going to the fest. Scott had some very good beers on tap.
I know a lot of us are planning to go to the Oktoberfest in Lantana on October 21st. We plan to rent a large van to go up there and yes someone has offered to be a designated driver. (Thanks, Denise!) We should all have a great time. It is a big scale event with lots of beer and food, plus various bands.
Joe Berryman has been working on getting the Coconut Cup Challenge in shape to be a AHA sanctioned event this coming year. It looks like this will be the best one of all.
Congratulations to the Titanic for winning two silver metals at the GABF in Denver last week. They won for their Captain Smith's Rye Ale and their Triple Screw Ale (Kolsch style).
Chris Balboni is ready to start the BJCP study group to prepare us for the exam. This starts the day after the fest, so we'll have to be sure not to be hung over. This should be very productive for the club and for all of us individually. I Hope to see ya all there.
July-September 2000
June 2000
May 2000
March/April 2000
February 2000
January 2000
December 1999
Page Maintained by Scott Graham. Last Modified December 2, 2000.