Hello Students!

My name is Leonard Simon, and I would like to introduce myself. With vast experience in enterprise security, cybersecurity, information security, information assurance, and risk management, I bring a wealth of experience to my courses for a dynamic classroom experience.

Tying in my many years of teaching experience, I am a dedicated educator with an established reputation in real-world knowledge, active course engagement, and the integration of technology into online courses. I have a MS in Management Information Systems and numerous certifications in Information Technology and Cybersecurity allowing me to apply my expertise in several areas. I am also presently working on my Doctor of Information Technology (DIT) in Information Assurance & Cybersecurity where I draw upon my 18 years of expertise with small businesses and corporations working in security, networking, web design, programming, web hosting, Internet marketing, and the development of functional and secure systems. In addition, I am an inspirational coach to students from all academic settings who may be new to the college experience or need individual guidance and mentoring to become long-term students.

As an instructor, I have many objectives in the course room. I strive to create relevancy of the course concepts to student's professional careers, connect with students on a personal level to engage and inspire them to higher levels of achievement, and to create an innovative learning environment that exceeds institutional objectives. As both a facilitator and course developer, I integrate my in-depth knowledge into my classroom activities to benefit learners and provide that instant connection and relevancy of the concepts. My teaching and development philosophy is simple; create an effective and interactive learning environment, and students will thrive. I use an approach of active student involvement and instructor interaction that is both inspiring and challenging to students. I am very application oriented and look for students to use problem-solving and critical thinking skills. I apply real-life examples to the concepts we cover in class and encourage my students to do the same.