Mireya Jurado

I am currently a Ph.D. student under the direction of Professor Geoffrey Smith at Florida International University's (FIU) School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS).

I am co-advised by Professor Mark Finlayson and am part of the Cognac lab.

Email: mjura011@fiu.edu
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Personal Blog: Spray On Security
Mireya Jurado

Research Interests

I study security with respect to computer science, and how to formally quantify information leakage.

Papers & Presentations

  • Eww You're Leaking: A Formal Introduction to Information Leakage, at The Diana Initative, Virtual, July 2021.

  • A Formal Information-Theoretic Leakage Analysis of Order-Revealing Encryption, Mireya Jurado, Catuscia Palamidessi, and Geoffrey Smith, in Proc. CSF 2021: 34th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, Virtual, June 2021.

  • Quantifying Information Leakage of Deterministic Encryption, Mireya Jurado and Geoffrey Smith, in Proc. CCSW'19: 2019 Cloud Computing Security Workshop, London, UK, November 2019.