Florida International University

School of Computing and Information Sciences

S. Masoud Sadjadi’s Home Page


Grid Enablement of Scientific Applications
Spring 2009

Readme first! How to use the collaboration tools during the class sessions?

Note that the use of the collaboration tools is different for students in different locations:

  • Students in Miami:

o       All students in Miami are supposed to attend the class in person in ECS 212.

o       They are all expected to have a personal laptop with wireless connection capability.

o       For audio/video communication, they must use the PolyCom devices installed in ECS 212.

The students must NOT use the audio/video on their laptops. If they do so, the bandwidth on wireless network will be exhausted. Also, they should not just start talking. They need to raise their hand (using Elluminate) first and wait for the instructor to give them a turn to speak.

o       For raising their hand, using white board, sharing applications, and file sharing, they must use Elluminate.

The students must NOT use the audio/video capabilities in Elluminate.

o       They must NOT use EVO during the class sessions as it will unnecessarily waste the wireless network bandwidth.

o       They must NOT use Skype during the class sessions as it will unnecessarily waste the wireless network bandwidth.


  • Students in Beijing:

o       Students in Beijing are supposed to attend the class in person in CNIC lab designated for our class.

o       They are all expected to have a personal laptop with wireless/wired connection capability.

o       For audio/video communication, they must use the PolyCom device installed in the lab.

The students must NOT use the audio/video on their laptops. If they do so, the bandwidth on wireless/wired network will be exhausted. The Polycom mic must by mute at all time, except when they are expected to talk. Also, they should not just start talking. They need to raise their hand (using Elluminate) first and wait for the instructor to give them a turn to speak.

o       For raising their hand, using white board, sharing applications, and file sharing, the students must use Elluminate.

The students must NOT use the audio/video capabilities in Elluminate.

o       They must NOT use EVO during the class sessions as it will unnecessarily waste the wireless/wired network bandwidth.

o       They must stay logged into Skype during the class sessions as a backup way to communicate with the instructor if Elluminate is disconnected for any reason. If their Elluminate session is working, then they need to only monitor their Elluminate chat, white board, etc.


  • Students in Rio and Sao Paulo:

o       Students in Rio and Sao Paulo are supposed to attend the class in person in a lab with wired connection to the Internet. Please avoid attending the class from home or from a place with slow and unreliable Internet connection.

o       They are all expected to have a personal laptop or access to a desktop with wired connection, audio, and video capabilities.

o       For video communication, they must use EVO.

The students must NOT use the audio in EVO. They have to mute both mic and spk on their EVO.

Also, if the bandwidth is not good enough for audio, then they need to drop their video in EVO also.

o       For raising their hand, using white board, sharing applications, and file sharing, they must use Elluminate.

In addition, for audio, they should also use Elluminate. The Elluminate mic must by mute at all time, except when they are expected to talk. For talking, they need to push the “talk” button. Also, they should NOT just start talking. They need to raise their hand (using Elluminate) first and wait for the instructor to give them a turn to speak.

The students must NOT use the video capabilities in Elluminate.

o       They must stay logged into Skype during the class sessions as a backup way to communicate with the instructor if Elluminate is disconnected for any reason. If their Elluminate session is working, then they need to only monitor their Elluminate chat, white board, etc.



Last modified 3/9/2009