using System; public interface IComparator { // Return the result of comparing lhs and rhs. // returns < 0 if lhs is less than rhs, // 0 if lhs is equal to rhs, // > 0 if lhs is greater than rhs. int Compare( AnyType lhs, AnyType rhs ); } public class SimpleRectangle { public SimpleRectangle( int l, int w ) { length = l; width = w; } public int GetLength( ) { return length; } public int GetWidth( ) { return width; } public override string ToString( ) { return "Rectangle " + GetLength( ) + " by " + GetWidth( ); } private int length; private int width; } public class CompareTest { public static AnyType findMax( AnyType[ ] a, IComparator cmp ) { int maxIndex = 0; for( int i = 1; i < a.Length; i++ ) if( cmp.Compare( a[ i ], a[ maxIndex ] ) > 0 ) maxIndex = i; return a[ maxIndex ]; } class OrderRectByArea : IComparator { public int Compare( SimpleRectangle r1, SimpleRectangle r2 ) { return r1.GetWidth( ) * r1.GetLength( ) - r2.GetWidth( ) * r2.GetLength( ); } } class OrderRectByWidth : IComparator { public int Compare( SimpleRectangle r1, SimpleRectangle r2 ) { return ( r1.GetWidth( ) - r2.GetWidth( ) ); } } public static void Main( string[ ] args ) { SimpleRectangle[ ] rects = new SimpleRectangle[ 4 ]; rects[ 0 ] = new SimpleRectangle( 1, 10 ); rects[ 1 ] = new SimpleRectangle( 20, 1 ); rects[ 2 ] = new SimpleRectangle( 4, 6 ); rects[ 3 ] = new SimpleRectangle( 5, 5 ); Console.WriteLine( "MAX WIDTH: " + findMax( rects, new OrderRectByWidth( ) ) ); Console.WriteLine( "MAX AREA: " + findMax( rects, new OrderRectByArea( ) ) ); } }