#include #include #include using namespace std; class Employee { public: void setValue( const string & n, double s ) { name = n; salary = s; } void print( ostream & out ) const { out << name << " (" << salary << ")"; } bool operator< ( const Employee & rhs ) const { return salary < rhs.salary; } // Other general accessors and mutators, not shown private: string name; double salary; }; // Define an output operator for Employee ostream & operator<< ( ostream & out, const Employee & rhs ) { rhs.print( out ); return out; } /** * Return the maximum item in array a. * Assumes a.size( ) > 0. * Comparable objects must provide * copy constructor, operator<, operator= */ template const Comparable & findMax( const vector & a ) { /* 1*/ int maxIndex = 0; /* 2*/ for( int i = 1; i < a.size( ); i++ ) /* 3*/ if( a[ maxIndex ] < a[ i ] ) /* 4*/ maxIndex = i; /* 5*/ return a[ maxIndex ]; } int main( ) { vector v( 3 ); v[0].setValue( "Bill Clinton", 200000.00 ); v[1].setValue( "Bill Gates", 2000000000.00 ); v[2].setValue( "Billy the Marlin", 60000.00 ); cout << findMax( v ) << endl; return 0; }