#ifndef SORT_H #define SORT_H /** * Several sorting routines. * Arrays are rearranged with smallest item first. */ #include #include using namespace std; /** * Simple insertion sort. */ template void insertionSort( vector & a ) { for( int p = 1; p < a.size( ); ++p ) { Comparable tmp = std::move( a[ p ] ); int j; for( j = p; j > 0 && tmp < a[ j - 1 ]; --j ) a[ j ] = std::move( a[ j - 1 ] ); a[ j ] = std::move( tmp ); } } /** * Internal insertion sort routine for subarrays * that is used by quicksort. * a is an array of Comparable items. * left is the left-most index of the subarray. * right is the right-most index of the subarray. */ template void insertionSort( vector & a, int left, int right ) { for( int p = left + 1; p <= right; ++p ) { Comparable tmp = std::move( a[ p ] ); int j; for( j = p; j > left && tmp < a[ j - 1 ]; --j ) a[ j ] = std::move( a[ j - 1 ] ); a[ j ] = std::move( tmp ); } } /** * Shellsort, using Shell's (poor) increments. */ template void shellsort( vector & a ) { for( int gap = a.size( ) / 2; gap > 0; gap /= 2 ) for( int i = gap; i < a.size( ); ++i ) { Comparable tmp = std::move( a[ i ] ); int j = i; for( ; j >= gap && tmp < a[ j - gap ]; j -= gap ) a[ j ] = std::move( a[ j - gap ] ); a[ j ] = std::move( tmp ); } } /** * Standard heapsort. */ template void heapsort( vector & a ) { for( int i = a.size( ) / 2 - 1; i >= 0; --i ) /* buildHeap */ percDown( a, i, a.size( ) ); for( int j = a.size( ) - 1; j > 0; --j ) { std::swap( a[ 0 ], a[ j ] ); /* deleteMax */ percDown( a, 0, j ); } } /** * Internal method for heapsort. * i is the index of an item in the heap. * Returns the index of the left child. */ inline int leftChild( int i ) { return 2 * i + 1; } /** * Internal method for heapsort that is used in * deleteMax and buildHeap. * i is the position from which to percolate down. * n is the logical size of the binary heap. */ template void percDown( vector & a, int i, int n ) { int child; Comparable tmp; for( tmp = std::move( a[ i ] ); leftChild( i ) < n; i = child ) { child = leftChild( i ); if( child != n - 1 && a[ child ] < a[ child + 1 ] ) ++child; if( tmp < a[ child ] ) a[ i ] = std::move( a[ child ] ); else break; } a[ i ] = std::move( tmp ); } /** * Internal method that makes recursive calls. * a is an array of Comparable items. * tmpArray is an array to place the merged result. * left is the left-most index of the subarray. * right is the right-most index of the subarray. */ template void mergeSort( vector & a, vector & tmpArray, int left, int right ) { if( left < right ) { int center = ( left + right ) / 2; mergeSort( a, tmpArray, left, center ); mergeSort( a, tmpArray, center + 1, right ); merge( a, tmpArray, left, center + 1, right ); } } /** * Mergesort algorithm (driver). */ template void mergeSort( vector & a ) { vector tmpArray( a.size( ) ); mergeSort( a, tmpArray, 0, a.size( ) - 1 ); } /** * Internal method that merges two sorted halves of a subarray. * a is an array of Comparable items. * tmpArray is an array to place the merged result. * leftPos is the left-most index of the subarray. * rightPos is the index of the start of the second half. * rightEnd is the right-most index of the subarray. */ template void merge( vector & a, vector & tmpArray, int leftPos, int rightPos, int rightEnd ) { int leftEnd = rightPos - 1; int tmpPos = leftPos; int numElements = rightEnd - leftPos + 1; // Main loop while( leftPos <= leftEnd && rightPos <= rightEnd ) if( a[ leftPos ] <= a[ rightPos ] ) tmpArray[ tmpPos++ ] = std::move( a[ leftPos++ ] ); else tmpArray[ tmpPos++ ] = std::move( a[ rightPos++ ] ); while( leftPos <= leftEnd ) // Copy rest of first half tmpArray[ tmpPos++ ] = std::move( a[ leftPos++ ] ); while( rightPos <= rightEnd ) // Copy rest of right half tmpArray[ tmpPos++ ] = std::move( a[ rightPos++ ] ); // Copy tmpArray back for( int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i, --rightEnd ) a[ rightEnd ] = std::move( tmpArray[ rightEnd ] ); } /** * Return median of left, center, and right. * Order these and hide the pivot. */ template const Comparable & median3( vector & a, int left, int right ) { int center = ( left + right ) / 2; if( a[ center ] < a[ left ] ) std::swap( a[ left ], a[ center ] ); if( a[ right ] < a[ left ] ) std::swap( a[ left ], a[ right ] ); if( a[ right ] < a[ center ] ) std::swap( a[ center ], a[ right ] ); // Place pivot at position right - 1 std::swap( a[ center ], a[ right - 1 ] ); return a[ right - 1 ]; } /** * Internal quicksort method that makes recursive calls. * Uses median-of-three partitioning and a cutoff of 10. * a is an array of Comparable items. * left is the left-most index of the subarray. * right is the right-most index of the subarray. */ template void quicksort( vector & a, int left, int right ) { if( left + 10 <= right ) { const Comparable & pivot = median3( a, left, right ); // Begin partitioning int i = left, j = right - 1; for( ; ; ) { while( a[ ++i ] < pivot ) { } while( pivot < a[ --j ] ) { } if( i < j ) std::swap( a[ i ], a[ j ] ); else break; } std::swap( a[ i ], a[ right - 1 ] ); // Restore pivot quicksort( a, left, i - 1 ); // Sort small elements quicksort( a, i + 1, right ); // Sort large elements } else // Do an insertion sort on the subarray insertionSort( a, left, right ); } /** * Quicksort algorithm (driver). */ template void quicksort( vector & a ) { quicksort( a, 0, a.size( ) - 1 ); } /** * Internal selection method that makes recursive calls. * Uses median-of-three partitioning and a cutoff of 10. * Places the kth smallest item in a[k-1]. * a is an array of Comparable items. * left is the left-most index of the subarray. * right is the right-most index of the subarray. * k is the desired rank (1 is minimum) in the entire array. */ template void quickSelect( vector & a, int left, int right, int k ) { if( left + 10 <= right ) { const Comparable & pivot = median3( a, left, right ); // Begin partitioning int i = left, j = right - 1; for( ; ; ) { while( a[ ++i ] < pivot ) { } while( pivot < a[ --j ] ) { } if( i < j ) std::swap( a[ i ], a[ j ] ); else break; } std::swap( a[ i ], a[ right - 1 ] ); // Restore pivot // Recurse; only this part changes if( k <= i ) quickSelect( a, left, i - 1, k ); else if( k > i + 1 ) quickSelect( a, i + 1, right, k ); } else // Do an insertion sort on the subarray insertionSort( a, left, right ); } /** * Quick selection algorithm. * Places the kth smallest item in a[k-1]. * a is an array of Comparable items. * k is the desired rank (1 is minimum) in the entire array. */ template void quickSelect( vector & a, int k ) { quickSelect( a, 0, a.size( ) - 1, k ); } template void SORT( vector & items ) { if( items.size( ) > 1 ) { vector smaller; vector same; vector larger; auto chosenItem = items[ items.size( ) / 2 ]; for( auto & i : items ) { if( i < chosenItem ) smaller.push_back( std::move( i ) ); else if( chosenItem < i ) larger.push_back( std::move( i ) ); else same.push_back( std::move( i ) ); } SORT( smaller ); // Recursive call! SORT( larger ); // Recursive call! std::move( begin( smaller ), end( smaller ), begin( items ) ); std::move( begin( same ), end( same ), begin( items ) + smaller.size( ) ); std::move( begin( larger ), end( larger ), end( items ) - larger.size( ) ); /* items.clear( ); items.insert( end( items ), begin( smaller ), end( smaller ) ); items.insert( end( items ), begin( same ), end( same ) ); items.insert( end( items ), begin( larger ), end( larger ) ); */ } } /* * This is the more public version of insertion sort. * It requires a pair of iterators and a comparison * function object. */ template void insertionSort( const RandomIterator & begin, const RandomIterator & end, Comparator lessThan ) { if( begin == end ) return; RandomIterator j; for( RandomIterator p = begin+1; p != end; ++p ) { auto tmp = std::move( *p ); for( j = p; j != begin && lessThan( tmp, *( j-1 ) ); --j ) *j = std::move( *(j-1) ); *j = std::move( tmp ); } } /* * The two-parameter version calls the three parameter version, using C++11 decltype */ template void insertionSort( const RandomIterator & begin, const RandomIterator & end ) { insertionSort( begin, end, less{ } ); } #endif