// Find Friday the 13th birthdays for person born Oct 13, 1937 #include #include using namespace std; int main( ) { const int FRIDAY = 6 - 1; // Sunday is 0, etc... tm theTime = { 0 }; // Set all fields to 0 theTime.tm_mon = 10 - 1; // January is 0, etc... theTime.tm_mday = 13; // 13th day of the month for( int year = 1937; year < 2037; year++ ) { theTime.tm_year = year - 1900; // 1900 is 0, etc... if( mktime( &theTime ) == -1 ) { cerr << "mktime failed in " << year << endl; continue; } if( theTime.tm_wday == FRIDAY ) cout << asctime( &theTime ); } return 0; }