Error Information for C++ for Java Programmers
Here is the
errata list for C++ for Java Programmers, by Mark Allen Weiss.
Some of the errors affect the source code; updates
to the code are done automatically.
I'm very backlogged on these.
Please be patient for a reply. Thanks!
First printing
-------- --- --- ----------------------------------------------------------
01/10/05 006 RL In Section 0.3.1 change the second occurrance of "C++" to "Java"
06/01/07 014 MK1 Change "rounds to the nearest integer" to
"rounds towards minus infinity or towards zero."
11/06/06 026 MH Last paragraph, change "Because objects in Java" to
"Because objects in C++"
02/01/10 050 AF The declaration for ptrptr should be int **ptrtr, not
int *ptrptr
02/08/06 064 MAW Figure 4-12, line 16, make Const lower case
01/10/05 069 JS In the "after" diagram in Figure 4.21, change "c" to "b".
10/31/11 073 JM In Seciotn 4.8, replace all occurrences of IntCell with IntQueue
06/01/07 117 EB 2nd line, under Section 6.3.3, change "123456789" to 123456789
06/01/07 124 EB In two places in Section 6.7, change "123456789" to 123456789
05/07/08 MK2 In two places in Section 6.7, change ->gpa() to ->getGpa()
07/14/04 132 FH is not a data, but a function member, so
JA instead of name it should read name() in the text and
in the code. Also, the value returned by name()
is "implementation-defined"
Source: ISO/IEC 14882:2003, Section 18.5.1
01/03/13 143 RV Figure 7.7, line 33, change "array of double" to "array of Object"
09/23/10 224 AC On line five, the comment should be "x has two rows..."
JA Jack Applin
EB Elizabeth Barham
AC Austin Chamberlin
AF Armando Fonseca
MH Marylurdys Hernandez
FH Fritz Hohl
MK1 Matts Kallioniemi
MK2 Michael Kebe
RL Ruth Luscome
JM Jase Ma
JS Jim Skrentny
RV Ryan Villanueva
Printing History
First Printing: November 2003
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