Project 1: "Accio" File using TCP (Server Simplified)

Accio Server Simplified

The simplified Accio server is another relatively simple application that waits for clients to connect, accepts a connection, sends the accio\r\n command, afterwards receives confirmation, sends the accio\r\n command again, receives the second confirmation, and then receives binary file that client sends, counts the number of bytes received, and prints it out as a single number (number of bytes received not including the header size).


Not yet

Simplified Server Specification

The server application MUST be implemented in Python file, accepting two command-line arguments:

$ python3 <PORT>
  • <PORT>: port number on which server will listen on connections. The server must accept connections coming from any interface.

For example, the command below should start the server listening on port 5000.

$ python3 5000

DO NOT open files in “text” mode. All the code you write should directly work with buffer and buffer strings like b"foobar-I-am-a-buffer-string". Nowhere in your program you should use .decode('utf-8') or .encode('utf-8'). If you do, you probably not going to pass many of the tests


  • The server must open a listening socket on the specified in the command line port number on all interfaces. In order to do that, you should hard-code as a host/IP in socket.bind method.

  • The server should gracefully process an incorrect port number and exit with a non-zero error code. In addition to exit, the server must print out on standard error (using sys.stderr.write()) an error message that starts with ERROR: string.

  • The server should exit with code zero when receiving SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGINT signal

  • The server should be able to accept multiple connections sequentially (i.e., accept one connection, process it, close connection; accept another one, etc.)

  • The server should be able to handle up toe 10 simultaneous connections in a graceful fashion: not rejecting next connection, but processing it as soon as done with the previous one. To fullfil this requirement, you don’t need to use multithreading, just the correct parameter to socket.listen call.

    • To test, you can telnet to your server from multiple consoles. None should be rejected, but only one should display accio command at a time. As soon as you done with one telnet session, accio\r\n should appear in another console.
  • The server must assume an error if no data received from the client for over 10 seconds. It should abort the connection and write a single ERROR string instead of number of bytes read.

  • The server should be able to accept large enough files (100 MiB or more) that do not fit in memory (so, you cannot receive all in memory and then calculate the length, you should calculate the length as you receive).

Approach to implement

  • Using client implementation as an example, write the required command line processing

  • Add SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGINT signal processing using signal handlers.

    • To test, add

        not_stopped = True
        while not_stopped:

      In your handler, you should declare not_stopped variable as global and set it to False. If everything works correctly, your handler should be executed and application gracefully terminated. DO NOT use sys.exit() call, as it is NOT graceful termination of the application and points will be deducted if you are using it.

  • Add routines to initiate server socket

  • Add routines to accept a connection

    • To test, you can use your client or telnet application. For example, telnet localhost port. If your server correctly accepted connection, telnet should indicate that. If not, it will be stuck in “Connecting…” stage.

    • Note that to satisfy one of the requirement, you need to use appropriate value for socket.listen

  • Add routines to send accio\r\n after connection established

    • To test, use telnet again. You should see accio\r\n appearing after you connected to the server.
  • Add routines to receive data from the client and count the amount of data received

    • To test, use your client
  • Add routine to print out the amount of received data just after connection is terminated.

  • Ensure that the server can accept another connection after it is done with the first one.

Submission Requirements

Refer to Project 1 submission requirements


Your code will then be automatically tested in some testing scenarios.

Note that your implementation will be tested against a reference implementation. Projects receive full credit if only all these checks are passed.

Grading Criteria

Maximum points: 100

  1. (5 pts) At least 3 new git commits
  2. (5 pts) Server handles incorrect port
  3. (5 pts) Server gracefully handles SIGINT signal
  4. (5 pts) Server accepts a connection
  5. (5 pts) Server accepts a connection and sends accio\r\n command
  6. (5 pts) Server starts receiving data
  7. (5 pts) Server accepts another connection after the first connection finished
  8. (5 pts) When server receives 10 connections simultaneously, it accepts and process them sequentially without rejecting
  9. (5 pts) Server aborts connection and prints ERROR when it does not receive data from client for more than 10 seconds.
  10. (5 pts) Server accepts another connection after the first connection timed out
  11. (10 pts) Server successfully receives a small amount of data (~500 bytes) using the instructor’s version of the client
  12. (10 pts) Server prints the correct value for the received data from the previous test
  13. (10 pts) Server successfully receives a large amount of data (~10 MiBytes) using the instructor’s version of the client (without emulated delays and/or transmission errors)
  14. (10 pts) Server prints the correct value for the received data from the previous test
  15. (5 pts) Server successfully receives a large amount of data (~10 MiBytes) using the instructor’s version of the client (with emulated delays and/or transmission errors)
  16. (5 pts) Server prints the correct value for the received data from the previous test

Note that you may receive deductions if your repository contains temporary files or your submission is lacking the required README file.