Course Overview

By the end of the course, a student this class will be able to demonstrate, among other things, the following:
- An understanding of how microprocessors, sensors, and radio hardware are integrated into an embedded/IoT hardware platform.
- An understanding of how low power wireless links behave in terms of metrics such as signal quality, error rates, throughput, as a function of link distance, channel and power settings.
- An understanding of how medium access control (MAC) protocols such as carrier sense multiple access allow multiple devices to share a medium.
- An understanding of how to prolong the battery lifetime of an embedded device by using sleep cycling and asynchronous MAC protocols.
- An understanding of how to process raw data and signals from sensors to minimize noise and to estimate useful parameters such as a device’s location.
- An understanding of the TCP/IP protocol suite and how to program one device to talk over the Internet to other devices.
- How to program mobile devices to access their sensors and communication capabilities.
- An understanding how to store and process information in the cloud using databases and computing frameworks such as Hadoop or Google’s Cloud Data Flow.
- The ability to learn new emerging distributed system technologies in the field of IoT.
Course Information:
- Instructor: Christian Poellabauer
- - Office hours: Before and after lectures, Friday 9-10.30am, and by appointment
- - Office: Stadtkloster lecture hall
- - Email:
- TA: Jessica Cioffi
- Class location: Stadtkloster lecture hall
- Lecture times: Monday/Wednesday 2-5pm