Student Presentations

The list of conferences/journals and topics should help you in finding papers to present in class. Each student has to present 2 topics, each topic should be based on 1-2 papers, and the 2 topics presented by a student should not be related. Further, the lists below are merely suggestions/tips where to start searching. There are countless other conferences and workshops that have relevant pieces of work (use Google to find conferences, workshops, papers, etc.). Every topic/paper has to be approved 1 week before the presentation. Presentation style is left to the student, i.e., you can choose Powerpoint slides, working on the chalk board, etc. The course instructor will put your papers on the course webpage for students to download. If you want to distribute additional material (e.g., powerpoint slides), either print them yourself or send them to the instructor early enough (about 2 days before the presentation). The presentations will be interactive, i.e., students may and will interrupt for questions, clarifications, etc. Each presentation should be about 30 minutes. Please prepare well for your presentation, it will be part of your final grade!

Relevant Conferences and Journals

Suggested Topics

Paper Reviews

Every lecture will discuss 2-3 papers (i.e., 4-6 per week). It is expected that every student submits one detailed paper review per week, i.e., you choose a paper from the schedule BEFORE the presentation, write a detailed review, and submit this review in the lecture the paper is being presented. Further, every student will read two more papers per week and write a short review for those. The rest of the papers can be skipped (but reading those papers too is highly encouraged). The short review is about 1-2 paragraphs summarizing the problem that is being addressed, the solution approach, and the conclusions the authors make. The detailed review (minimum requirements: 1 page, 11pt font, 1.5 lines spacing or narrower) goes beyond the short review by describing in detail the solution approach, by discussing the results and measurements provided in the paper, and by making suggestions of potential future work or describing problems and mistakes found in the paper.