Selected Talks and Colloquia
- "SoftAX on Amazon EC2" (Server Load Balancing on
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud), A10 Networks, San Joase, CA, February, 2013.
- "RFC Compliance for TCP Proxy", TCP Working Group, Juniper Networks,
Sunnyvale, CA, October 23, 2009.
- "An Experimental Approach to Integrating NetFlow Flow-level Records and
NLANR Packet-level Traces", the 2nd International
Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection, Silicon Valley, July 3,
- "Network Measurement and Monitoring", UltraLight Workshop,
Miami, FL, June 10, 2005.
- "Transmission Control for Next Generation Networks", Computer Science
Colloquium, Florida International University, Miami, FL, March 11, 2005.
- "Transport Mechanisms for Next Generation Networks and Applications",
Chinese American Networking Symposium (CANS), Miami, FL,
December 2, 2004.
- "Improving TCP Smoothness by Synchronized and Measurement-based Congestion
Avoidance", the 13th International Workshop on Network and
Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (ACM NOSSDAV), Monterey, CA, June 2003.
- "Receiver-oriented and Measurement-based Transmission Control in
Heterogeneous Networks", Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Clark
University, Worcester, MA, Feburary 2003.
- "On the Efficiency of TCP-friendly Window Adjustment Strategies in
Wired/Wireless Networks", Conference on Scalability and Traffic Control in IP
Networks, SPIE
ITCOM 2002, Boston, MA, July 2002.
- "Exploiting the Potential of TCP-Real in Multiplexed Wired/Wireless
Channels", the 1st International Workshop on Wired/Wireless
Internet Communications (WWIC), Las Vegas, June 2002.
- "Experimental Evaluation of RED in Heterogeneous Environments", the
3rd International Conference on Internet Computing (IC), Las Vegas,
June 2002.
- "Online Ink Matching of Cursive Chinese Handwritten Annotations", at
Panasonic Information and Networking Technologies Laboratory, Princeton, NJ,
September 1999.