Florida International University
School of Computer Science

CEN 6501 Fall 2005
Distributed Processing

ECS 145, Tue/Thur 14:00 - 15:15


Professor: Chi Zhang
Email: czhang AT cs dot fiu dot edu
Phone: 305-348-3751
Office: ECS 361
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday  15:30 - 17:30, or by appointment.

Coarse Web Site

Distributed Systems - Concepts and Design by G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore, and T. Kindberg, Fourth Edition, Addison-Wesley 2005 (ISBN: 0321263545)

None. However, basic knowledge of operating systems (e.g. process and thread) and computer networks (e.g. socket programming, TCP/IP) is recommended.

Course Description
Study of distributed processing using networking and distributed computing techniques. Investigation of distributed algorithms and models of distributed computing. 
Each student will also write a term paper or conduct a term project on a selected topic in the area of distributed computing. Quizzes will be given in some classes.

System Models
Networking and Internetworking 
Operating System Support 
Transactions and Concurrency Control
Distributed Transactions
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Web Service and Grid Computing

Quizzes: 15%
Midterm: 30% 
Final: 30%
Term Paper: 25%

Deadline to drop a course with a DR grade: Nov. 6.

Code of Academic Integrity: http://www.fiu.edu/~oabp/misconductweb/2codeofacainteg.htm

University Policies: academic misconduct, sexual harassment, religious holidays, and information on services for students with disabilities.