Creating a logon script in Windows 95

Creating the script file

A logon script is only necessary if you are using a SLIP connection, or are using a host-based connection and emulating a SLIP connection (eg, slirp). If you have a PPP account, then your username and password are all you need to connect to the internet.

If you have followed the instructions to Emulate SLIP using Windows95, then you will have installed the Dial-up Scripting tool. If you click Start, Programs, Accessories, then you should see an item named Dial-up Scripting Tool. If you don't have this, then please try to follow the above instructions to emulate SLIP using Windows 95, again.

To create a script, just use a text editor to create a file with a .scp extension. For example, you might create a script file called fiu.scp. There are only three types of commands that you need to use in the script

delay number
This command forces the script to wait the specified number of seconds before transmitting anything. It is useful at the start of a script file, to be sure that the connection has been completed before starting the script.
waitfor "text"
This command forces the script to wait until the specified text has been recieved over the modem. After the information has been received, the script continues. Use this command to detect the various prompts that are displayed when you connect to the internet.
transmit "text"
This command will transmit the specified text over the modem. This is the command that will send the information that you usually type when connection to the internet. To indicate that the enter key is entered, it is necessary to enter the control code for it. The key sequence ^M is used to represent the control code for enter. The ^ is the shift-6 key on the keypad.

Here is an example script file that will connect jsmith01 with password 123456789 to the solix computer, and then start the slirp program:

proc main

delay 2

;in these examples, the first letter of a prompt
;is omitted when not sure of its case

waitfor "ogin:"
transmit "jsmith01.telnet^M"

waitfor "ssword:"
transmit "123456789^M"

waitfor "ost:"
transmit "solix^M"

waitfor "ogin:"
transmit "jsmith01"

waitfor "ssword:"
transmit "123456789^M"

waitfor "(SOLIX)"
transmit "slirp^M"

waitfor "Your address is "
set ipaddr getip


Associating the script file with your dial-up connection

You should be sure that you can connect to the school manually, before trying to connect using a script. You should check that all of the waitfor strings actually appear when you are connecting, I have been known to make msitkaes.

I am now assuming that you have a script file named fiu.scp that has all the codes necessary to connect to the school. I am also assuming that you have a dial-up connection for the school, I will assume it is called FIU SLIP.

The next to last step was a precaution, just to make sure you got everything OK. It will step through your script file one step at a time. You click on proceed to continue executing the script. If you connect successfully, then you can go back to the Dial-up scripting tool and

That's it. From now on when you double click your connection, you will automatically connect to the school. Beware, it will take up to 30 seconds to complete the connection.