How to FTP to solix
There will be many times when you will want to download information from
the web into your solix account. One of the easiest ways to do this is to:
Download the information to a PC using Netscape. For most of the information
that you find on the web, you can either click or right-click an item and
you will be given the opportunity to download it. You will also be able to
specify a destination, when at the school choose c:\ as the destination.
Once you have the information on a PC, use the FTP program to connect to
your solix account
remote host:
username: use your solix username, eg jsmith01
password: use your solix password
remote directory: you want the www directory in your solix directory.
Specify your solix directory by placing a ~ in front of your user name, then
append /www, eg ~jsmith01/www
specify an ASCII transfer if you are transferring text, specify a binary
transfer if you are transferring graphics files, audio files, or programs.
connect, and then transfer the files you want.
It may be necessary to change the access rights of any files that you uploaded.
To check, first see if you can access the new files from a web browser. If
you get a Forbidden error, then you will need to change the access
rights as follows
Telnet to solix
Change to you web directory: cd www
Issue the command chmod 644 *