CGS3767 Section 02
Computer Operating Systems
Spring 2021
Phone: (305) 348-3329 (FIU-D-DAY)
Regular mail: My mailbox is in the ECS building, 3rd floor, Computer Science, room 354
3:00-4:30 PM, 6:40-7:40 PM
At Least Five Extra Credit Assignments |
Weight |
One point of extra credit each (possibly more) |
Four Homework Assignments |
Weight |
12.5 points each |
Three Exams | Final Exam |
Weight |
40 points each |
80 points |
Scoring |
Do not take final exam and count lowest exam score twice
Take final exam and drop lowest exam score. If you take the final exam, its grade will be used. |
Grading Scale |
Scale |
A: 189; A-: 180.5; B+: 172; B: 163.5; B-: 155; C+: 146.5; C: 138;
C-: 129.5; D+: 121; D: 112.5; D-: 104 |
Text |
Guide to Parallel Operating Systems with Windows XP and Linux, 2nd Edition
Carswell, Ron
ISBN: 9781111543709
Room and Time |
ECS 135 MW 7:50 - 9:05 |
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Attendance I recommend that you attend every class. Those who attend
class have a better chance of passing the course.
Homework Policy Working together on homework is allowed. Please form study groups
and solve all the problems. Review the solutions so you are familiar with all the concepts.
Homework will not be graded, but a quiz will be given on each homework assignment. The
quiz will contain questions that are similar (if not identical) to the homework questions.
- COP2250 or equivalent: minimum grade is a C. Those who do not have a C in
that class will be dropped from the course during the first week
of class.
Course Content
- Accessing School Resources
- Telnet
- Uploading HW
- Mailing List
- Hardware Components
- PC Components
- Peripherals
- Maintanance
- Testing
- Software Components
- Install Virtual Operating System
- Operating Systems
- Functions of an Operating System
- OS Interaction
- System Utilities
- Applications
- File Systems
- Windows
- Fedora
- Creation
- Mounting
- Managing
- Directory Commands
- Displaying
- Navigating
- Creating and Removing
- Copy, Move, Remove Files
- Files and File Attributes
- Contents
- File Attributes
- Finding Files
- Text Editors
- Edit
- Textpad
- Vim
- Creating Files
- Cut, Copy, Paste
- Multiple Files
- Regular Expressions
- Searching and Replacing within Files
- The Command Line
- Accessing
- Customizing
- History
- Filename Completion
- Redirection
- Find Filter
- Sort Filter
- Pipe
- Accessing Help
- Displaying Files (head, tail, grep)
- Scripting in Windows
- Batch Files
- Batch Parameters
- Echo Command
- For Command
- Branching
- If Command
- Calling other batch files
- Pause for input
- Comments
- Environment variables
- Set Command
- Scripting in Linux
- Linux Shells
- Permissions
- File Extensions
- Parameters
- If Command
- While Command
- For Command
- Graphical User Interface
- Start Menus
- Customizing Menus
- Shortcuts
- Taskbar
- Local Data
- Networking
- Operating System Management
- Management Tools
- Interacting with the OS
- Monitoring Performance
- Managing Passwords
- File Permissions
Course Objectives
- Be familiar with hardware and software concepts
- Be familiar with OS functions and management
- Be familiar with the management of file systems
- Be familiar with the use of text editors
- Master basic command line functions
- Master simple shell programming
- Be exposed to windowing systems