CGS4854, Homework 1

Due Tuesday, 10/8 (late 6am, 10/9)

You are to create a service oriented web site. You will be adding features throughout the semester. The type of service that you provide is your choice. For example, the site that was developed in the book kept track of a user's hobby and aversion. Try to be creative in picking your site. There are already enough book sellers on the web and one site that keeps track of hobbies is enough.

Choose a service that interests you. Later in the course, you will be adding additional fields to this site. Choose a theme that supports

Think of a site that will be able to be expanded in this way. Do not add these fields now.

On each page of the application, add interesting information about your site. Each page must have different information about the site. The information must not be about how to navigate to the next page.

You will deploy your application to the Tomcat server and access it from the Apache server


Set up and start your Apache server.

ROOT Web Application on ocelot

If you have not received your Tomcat host number, please create your webapps on ocelot and request a host number.

After you have created the ROOT and manager web apps on ocelot, you will need to create an index. jsp file in the ROOT web app. This will be the welcome page for your host on ocelot. It should have links to the manager web app, the username web app and your Apache server. If you have done the extra credit, then also include a link to the extra credit web app.

Be sure you have the following links in the ROOT/index.jsp file on ocelot.

Create a Web Application using NetBeans

Create a web application in NetBeans, named your-username (replace your-username with your user name).

Reorganised Controller

Implement a servlet controller for your application. The controller should behave like the reorganised controller from Chapter 3 of the book.

Hand In Assignment

To hand in the assignment, zip the cgs4854 directory and upload it.

Be sure that all your files and subdirectories are included in the zip file.
After uploading, do not modify your files on ocelot until after your assignment has been graded.