CNT4713 Extra Credit 5

Due by Wednesday, 11/23

Worth extra 3 points

Refer to the section on the class page entitled CGI scripts that parse data and process web forms for videos that will help with the assignment.

Write a script that displays a form for entering fields for an email. The script will validate that all the data is correct and then send the email using the server.


Modify index.html

I want to be able to run your scripts on ocelot, without having to type the name of each script in the URL.

Deploying the Assignment

You Must Complete Extra Credit 1

If you did not do extra credit 1, then you cannot do this extra credit.

Complete extra credit 1, then complete this assignment and submit it.

Create a CGI Script

Modify the script so it is a cgi script. See Extra Credit 1 for details.

Limit Access to the cgi-bin

Be sure that only you and I can access your script in the cgi-bin folder.

Submitting the Assignment

To hand in the assignment, place all your scripts in the cgi-bin folder on ocelot. Zip the public_html folder, including the cgi-bin folder. DO NOT USE 7-ZIP or RAR!!!