CNT4713 Extra Credit 1

Due Sunday, 10/9

Extra Credit 1 is worth 2 points. You will create a web presence for cgi scripts and create a script that displays some HTTP request headers. You will also limit access to the cgi-bin folder.

Create a web folder for scripts

Create a web folder and cgi-bin folder on ocelot

Limit Access to cgi-bin

We do not want other people (like hackers) to run your scripts (over and over again).

Create a cgi script

Create an Index Page in public_html

I want to be able to run your scripts on ocelot, without having to type the name of each script in the URL.

Submitting the Assignment

To hand in the assignment, place all your scripts in the cgi-bin folder on ocelot. Zip the public_html folder, including the cgi-bin folder. DO NOT USE 7-ZIP or RAR!!!