CNT4713 Section 02
Net-centric Computing
Spring 2021

Office Hours
Mon, Wed
3:00-4:30 PM, 6:40-7:40 PM
Internet Information
E-mail: downeyt
Twelve Quizzes
  1. Definition quizzes will be given on six Wednesdays during the semester. (10 points each)
  2. Problem quizzes will be given on six Wednesdays during the semester. (20 points each)
Quiz Weight 10 or 20 points each
GitHub Account
Create a GitHub account and send me an email from your FIU email account with your GitHub user name. I will invite you to a team of students form this class. You should create a branch for yourself and demonstrate Python code that you have written.
  • Create your own branch in the team repository.
  • Experiment with Python and post your work in your branch.
  • At the end of the term, your efforts in Python are worth up to 30 points (5 points per week that a problem quiz is given).
  • Post often for maximum points.
You will also have to post working examples to a personal web site on ocelot.
GitHub Weight 30 points - 5 points per week that a problem quiz is given
Grading Scale
The grade for the course will be the total of the top five grades from each type of quiz, plus the points from the GitHub account. No makeup quizzes. If you miss one quiz, then it will be your low grade. The grade for the course will be based on the following scale. The scale is based on the sum of your scores on the quizzes and GitHub branch.
  • Top 5 scores from the definition quizzes - 50 points
  • Top 5 scores from the theory and examples quizzes - 100 points
  • Participation in the GitHub repository - 30 points
Two additional quizzes will be given on the last day of class: one definition quiz and one problem quiz. Questions for these quizzes will be from the entire course. These quizzes can be used to replace a quiz from earlier in the semester.
Scale The total number of points is 180.
A 154
A- 147
B+ 140
B 133
B- 126
C+ 117
C 108
D 90
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6/E
Kurose, James; Ross, Keith
ISBN-10: 0132856204 ; ISBN-13: 9780132856201
Room and Time
(none) (none) (none) (none)
Special Dates
No class: Monday, January 21 Spring Break: March 11 - 16 Drop Date: Monday, March 18

Attendance I recommend that you attend every class. Those who attend class have a better chance of passing the course.

Homework I will assign homework. The homework will not be collected and will not be graded. Some questions from the quizzes will be similar to the homework assignment examples. You may work together on the assignments, it will probably help you to understand them. The homework will be reviewed in class.


If you do not meet the prerequisites, you will be dropped from the course during the first week. Swap out of the course now to avoid late fees.

Academic Honesty

Statement of Understanding between Professor and Student

Every student must respect the right of all to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students must adhere to a standard of academic conduct, demonstrating respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University.

As a student taking this class:

Failure to adhere to the guidelines stated above may result in one of the following:

By taking this online course, I promise to adhere to FIU's Student Code of Academic Integrity. For details on the policy and procedures go to ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT.

Course Content

Course Objectives