#!/usr/bin/python #pipe the output of this command into telnet import socket import time, sys #for scripting, the socket is not used. Telnet controls the socket. def send_recv(socket, msg, code): if msg != None: print(msg) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(2) return 1 def send(socket, msg): print(msg) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) print ("open smtp.cs.fiu.edu 25") time.sleep(2) serverName = 'smtp.cs.fiu.edu' #This server only works from ocelot serverPort = 25 clientSocket = 0; recv=send_recv(clientSocket, None, '220') clientName = 'tim' userName="downeyt" userServer="cs.fiu.edu" toName="timdotdowney" toServer="gmail.com" #Send HELO command and print (server response.) heloCommand='EHLO %s' % clientName recvFrom = send_recv(clientSocket, heloCommand, '250') #Send MAIL FROM command and print (server response.) fromCommand='MAIL FROM: <%s@%s>' % (userName, userServer) recvFrom = send_recv(clientSocket, fromCommand, '250') #Send RCPT TO command and print (server response.) rcptCommand='RCPT TO: <%s@%s>' % (toName, toServer) recvRcpt = send_recv(clientSocket, rcptCommand, '250') #Send DATA command and print (server response.) dataCommand='DATA' dataRcpt = send_recv(clientSocket, dataCommand, '354') #Send message data. send(clientSocket, "Date: %s" % time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0400", time.localtime())); send(clientSocket, "From: Tim Downey <%s@%s>" % (userName, userServer)); send(clientSocket, "Subject: Simple Mail Message"); send(clientSocket, "To: %s@%s" % (toName, toServer)); send(clientSocket, ""); #End of headers send(clientSocket, "Hello World"); send(clientSocket, "Hola Mundo"); send(clientSocket, "ocelot script"); #Message ends with a single period. send_recv(clientSocket, ".", '250'); #Send QUIT command and get server response. quitCommand='QUIT' quitRcpt = send_recv(clientSocket, quitCommand, '221')