#mycollections.py colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] print ("A list prints in a string format: {0}".format(colors)) print ("Print the second element in the list: {0}".format(colors[1])) colors[1] = 'yellow' print ("Change the second element in the list to {0[1]}: {0}".format(colors)) teams = ('marlins', 'dolphins', 'heat') print ("A tuple prints in a string format: {0}".format(teams)) print ("Print the second element in the list: {0[1]}".format(teams)) try: team[1] = 'panthers' print ("Change the second element in the list to {0[1]}: {0}".format(teams)) except: print ("Error: cannot modify a tuple") person = {'age': 23, 'major': 'CS', 'gpa': 3.7} print ("A dictionary prints in a string format: {0}".format(person)) print ("Print the major from the dictionary: {0[major]}".format(person)) person['major'] = 'IT' print ("Change the major in the dictionary to {0[major]}: {0}".format(person))