Use winscp to log onto . The username is your panther mail name; the password is your first initial, followed by panther id, followed by last initial.
Create a directory (F7) named cop2250
Change to the cop2250 directory and create a .java file (Shift-F4) named
Copy the contents of the following link to the file:
Open the terminal (Ctrl-T).
In the terminal, compile the class with the command javac
Make note of the errors that are generated.
Close the terminal.
Some of the statements were intended to generate compile-time errors. For each statement that causes an error, add a comment above the statement that explains what the error is, then comment out the statement that caused the error.
Open the terminal (Ctrl-T).
Compile the file again, it should compile now. If it compiles, then you will not see any error messages and a new file named TutorialOne.class will be created.
If there are no errors, then run the program with the command java
Close the terminal.
In, write a comment after each System.out.println statement that contains the value that was generated by the statement.
In, write a comment above any statements that caused run-time errors. In the comment, explain what the error is.
Open the terminal (Ctrl-T).
Compile the file again, just to be sure you didn't make any mistakes when you added comments.
Close the terminal.
When you are all done, download to your local computer and submit it online: Submit Homework Online