/* Airport class Anderson, Franceschi */ public class Airport { // 1. ***** Define the instance variables ***** // airportCode is a String // gates is an integer // 2. ***** Write this method ***** // Default constructor: // method name: Airport // return value: none // parameters: none // function: sets the airportCode to an empty String // 3. ***** Write this method ***** // Overloaded constructor: // method name: Airport // return value: none // parameters: a String startAirportCode and an int startGates // function: // calls the the setAirportCode method, // passing startAirportCode parameter; // calls the setGates method, passing startGates parameter // 4. ***** Write this method ***** // Accessor method for the airportCode instance variable // method name: getAirportCode // return value: String // parameters: none // function: returns airportCode // 5. ***** Write this method ***** // Accessor method for the gates instance variable // method name: getGates // return value: int // parameters: none // function: returns gates // 6. ***** Write this method ***** // Mutator method for the airportCode instance variable // method name: setAirportCode // return value: void // parameters: String newAirportCode // function: assigns airportCode the value of the // newAirportCode parameter // 7. ***** Write this method ***** // Mutator method for the gates instance variable // method name: setGates // return value: void // parameters: int newGates // function: validates the newGates parameter. // if newGates is greater than or equal to 0, // sets gates to newGates; // otherwise, prints an error message to System.err // and does not change value of gates }