// MFCCOMControlLibrary.idl : type library source for ActiveX Control project. // This file will be processed by the MIDL compiler tool to // produce the type library (MFCCOMControlLibrary.tlb) that will become a resource in // MFCCOMControlLibrary.ocx. #include #include [ uuid(44583657-F4A3-43E9-9080-540115DFBD7F), version(1.0), helpfile("MFCCOMControlLibrary.hlp"), helpstring("MFCCOMControlLibrary ActiveX Control module"), control ] library MFCCOMControlLibraryLib { importlib(STDOLE_TLB); // Primary dispatch interface for CMFCCOMControlCtrl [ uuid(9127BC42-8288-4AFE-95A9-DB86BC893BD4), helpstring("Dispatch interface for MFCCOMControl Control")] dispinterface _DMFCCOMControlLibrary { properties: [id(1)] BSTR Label; [id(DISPID_BACKCOLOR)] OLE_COLOR BackColor; [id(DISPID_FORECOLOR)] OLE_COLOR ForeColor; [id(DISPID_FONT)] IDispatch* Font; methods: [id(DISPID_ABOUTBOX)] void AboutBox(); }; // Event dispatch interface for CMFCCOMControlCtrl [ uuid(1E198490-87F6-401C-BDF1-8AA84DD75B58), helpstring("Event interface for MFCCOMControl Control") ] dispinterface _DMFCCOMControlLibraryEvents { properties: // Event interface has no properties methods: [id(DISPID_CLICK)] void Click(void); }; // Class information for CMFCCOMControlCtrl [ uuid(52BB379C-BEBA-459E-9580-CC83CE4EAE8B), helpstring("MFCCOMControl Control"), control ] coclass MFCCOMControlLibrary { [default] dispinterface _DMFCCOMControlLibrary; [default, source] dispinterface _DMFCCOMControlLibraryEvents; }; };