COP4226, Assignment 1
Due Thursday, September 28 at 11:59 pm.
Zip your entire project and upload on the web. Exclude the
Debug and Release directories. Be sure to include the
res directory.
Homework Online.
Eventually, I will provide an executable for you to view.
Create a dialog based application that does several calcuations as described
Create a set of radio buttons to indicate the type of calculations to perform:
Conversions, Geometry, Constants.
Change the title of the form to agree with the selected button.
When a radio button is clicked, make drop down list visible (see next section).
Create a Drop Down List box. The contents of the Drop Down List box will
change depending on the selected radio button.
Conversions should have the following options in the Drop List
"Choose a Conversion"
"Inches to Feet". Input: inches.
Add two more conversions of your choice. Do not choose the ones from my example.
Geometry should have the following options in the Drop List
"Choose a Calculation"
"Circumference of a circle". Input: radius.
"Area of a rectangle". Input: length, width.
Add two more geometric formulas of your choice. Do not choose the ones from
my example.
Constants should have the following options in the Drop List
"Choose a Constant"
Add two more constants of your choice. Do not choose the ones from my example.
When the user selects an option from the list box, other than the first option,
display the appropriate number of input boxes, with appropriate labels, and
a button that will preform the operation.
- All input should be floating point.
- Clear input boxes when a new operation is selected from the drop down list.
When the button is clicked, make a text box visible that displays the output.
The user should not be able to edit the text box.
When the user clicks the button to perform the calculation, validate that
all input are floating point numbers that are greater than 0.
Use an error provider to display an icon next to invalid input.
Validate all the input when the calculate button is clicked. There should
be an error icon next to all invalid input boxes.
If the data is valid, display the output as a complete sentence that echoes
the input and displays the result.
Display constants to 9 decimal places. (Hint: String.Format)
Display geometric calculations rounded to 2 decimal places. When echoing
the input, round to 2 decimal places, too.
Hide the output textbox when any control other than the button is clicked.
When the form is resized, be sure that the controls in the form spread out
over the entire client area, in a pleasing arrangement. Set the minimum size so that
no controls ever overlap each other.
Add a control library to the solution.
Add a control that contains your fill name. Use a new font, size and color
for your name.
Add a control that contains the course and section. Use the same font and
color as was used for your name.
Center the course in the control. Center the section on the line below the course.
Make the size of the course smaller than the size of the name.
Make the size of the section smaller than the size of the course.
Center your name, from the control library, at the top of the form. When
the form is resized, the name should remain centered.
Add a menu to the form.
Add a top level menu named Options.
Add a menu item named Resize.
When this is selected, toggle a check mark for the item.
When in the checked state, the form will resize as controls become visible
or disappear.
When in the unchecked state, the form will remain a constant size that is
large enough to contain all of the controls, whether or not they are visible.
Add a menu item named Trasparent.
When this is selected, toggle a check mark for the item.
When in the checked state, the form will be partially transparent.
When in the unchecked state, the form will be opaque.
Add a top level menu named Help.
Add a menu item named Oath. When clicked, display a new modal form.
Set an appropriate title for the new form.
Set the location of the new form so that it appears adjacent to
the main form.
Center the user control for the name at the top of the form.
Center the user control for the course below the name.
Add a multiline label that contains the following.
I attest that the homework I am uploading was done by me.
I understand that if it is determined that I shared my
assignment with another person, or copied my assignment
from another person's work, then I and the other person
will suffer the following consequences:
1. This assignment will be graded as a zero.
2. A full letter grade will be removed from the final
grade for the course I am taking. 3. A letter will be
placed in my permanent file in the School of Computer
4. If this is a second transgression, then I will receive
an F in this course. My case will be forwarded to the
Dean for further action.
Add a menu item named About. When clicked, display a new modal form.
Set an appropriate title for the new form.
Set the location of the new form so that it appears adjacent to
the main form.
Center the user control for the name at the top of the form.
Center the user control for the course below the name.
Add a multiline label that describes this assignment.