COP4226, Assignment 2
Due Tuesday, February 13, at 11:59 PM.
Zip your entire project and upload it on the web. Exclude all of the
Debug and Release directories.
Homework Online.
Create a windows forms application.
Add the DLL for the control library from Homework 1 to your application.
Add a reference to your control library.
Add the Oath from HW1 to this application.
Add a main menu to the application.
Add a Help menu.
Add an Oath item. Open the oath dialog.
Add an About item. Add an about dialog that explains the homework.
Do not change the namespace from Homework 1 for the Oath dialog. It
should use a different namespace than the one for the current assignment.
Add a panel to the form.
Dock the panel to the top of the form.
Add two buttons to the panel.
One button will open the input dialog (explained below) modally.
When the dialog closes, display the data from the dialog in a mulitline label
in the panel.
One button will open the input dialog modelessly.
When the dialog closes, display the data from the dialog in a mulitline label
in the panel.
When the dialog sends a message that the data has changed, read the data
from the dialog and display the data from the dialog in a mulitline label.
Add a splitter to the form. Dock it to the top. Change its color.
Add another panel to the form. Dock it to the left.
When the user clicks a point in this panel, save the point in a generic list
of points and redraw the panel.
If there is more than one point in the collection, draw curves between all
the points, in the order that they were added to the collection.
Use a pen with a width greater than 4.
If there is only one point, then draw a small circle whose diameter is the
width of the pen used to draw the lines.
Add a context menu to this panel with one option named Clear Points. When
clicked, it will clear the list of points.
Add another splitter to the form. Dock it to the left. Change its color.
Add another panel to the form. Have it fill the remaining form area.
Add a radio group to this panel to set the tension of the curve for the
neighboring panel.
Anchor this group to the bottom right corner.
Choose three different tension values.
When an option is clicked, change the tension value used to draw the curve
in the neighboring panel and redraw that panel.
Add another radio group to this panel to set the dash pattern for the pen
in the neighboring panel.
Anchor this group to the bottom right corner.
Choose three different dash patterns.
When an option is clicked, change the dash pattern of the pen used to draw
the curve in the neighboring panel and redraw that panel.
Create a new dialog form for data input.
Enable help for the dialog. Make the question mark appear in the control
Add tooltips and help information for all the controls, including the buttons.
If the dialog is opened modally, do the following.
Paint the background with a linear gradient brush that has three colors.
Make the dimensions of the brush no more than a few inches wide and a few
inches high.
Hide and disable the Apply button.
Be sure that the brush is replecated and paints the entire panel.
If the dialog is opened modelessly, do the following.
Paint the background with a path gradient brush that has three colors and
a center color. Make the dimensions of the brush equal to the client rectangle
Set the ControlStyle for ResizeRedraw to true for this dialog.
Change the focus of the brush to something other than the default.
When the form is deactivated, change the background to a hatching pattern.
When the form is activated, redraw with the path gradient brush.
Add three text boxes to the form.
Make up appropriate labels for the text boxes. Be creative, do not use names
like string, int, double.
One text box will contain only letters and spaces. There must be at least
two words in the string.
One text box will contain an integer within a range.
Pick a minimum value for the range.
Pick a maximum value for the range.
The number must be an integer and must be in the range.
One text box will contain a double within a range.
Pick a minimum value for the range.
Pick a maximum value for the range.
The number must be a double and must be in the range.
Add three buttons to the dialog: OK, Cancel, Apply.
OK and Cancel have their normal functions.
Apply is used to send a message that the data in the dialog has changed.
Do not close the dialog when this button is clicked.
When OK and Apply are clicked, validate that the text boxes meet the given
Display an icon next to each control that is invalid. The icon should have
a tooltip that explains what the error is.
If all of the boxes are invalid, then all three should have an icon.
Only perform the action of the button if all the boxes are valid.