CDA4101 Extra Credit 3

Due Wednesday 10/15 (not late until 6 am on 10/16)

To earn the extra credit, you must create a multiple choice question that you would like to have seen on Exam 1, which covered chapters 1, 2, and 4. Post your question as a new topic in the Moodle Forum for this assignment:

You may not duplicate another student's question.

The longer you wait to do the assignment, the harder it will be to create a question, since you will have to read all the previous questions first.

You will be graded on the quality of the question.

Use a text format for the question. Ask the question and list at least four options.
For example:

Which of the following is not a value for the DockStyle enumeration?

a. Top
b. Bottom
c. Left
d. Right
e. Fill
f. All are values

Add your question as a new topic. Do not respond to other student's posts.