CDA4101 Extra Credit 4

Due Monday 11/3 (not late until 6 am on 11/4)

Create a class library. Create a class in the library that implements the following interface:

    public interface ISerialMethods
        void Serialize(ISerializable obj, String fileName);
        ISerializable Deserialize(String fileName);

Do not make changes to the interface, since I will be testing your class using my own program that uses the same interface.

Implements the methods for serialization and deserialization for classes that implement the ISerializable interface.

Create your own program to test that your library works properly. I recommend that you modify HW2 and serialize the document class.

You will need to add Open and Save items to the File menu for any program that you use to test your library. You will also find it convenient to implement New, to create a new, empty document.


The grading for this is simple. It either works or it doesn't. If your library can save any ISerializable class that I send it, then you will get full credit.

Submitting Homework

Zip your entire project and upload it on the web. Exclude the Debug and Release directories.
Submitting Homework Online.