COP4226, Homework 3

Due Monday, October 26

Create an application with a menu strip, tool strip, and status strip. Add appropriate items to each to make the application more user friendly.

Add a tab control to the form. In each tab control, implement one of the parts of this assignment.




Image Panning

Shapes and Text

This task introduces the idea of a document.

Create several shape classes. A shape can be created, drawn and moved. A convenience method will be to know if a point is within the shape. A shape has at least a location and a size.

Create a document that contains a list of shapes. The implementation of the document is unknown to the public. Useful methods will be to find a shape at a point, draw the document, add a shape.

The main actions for this tab page are:


The homework is the basis for Quiz 3 on Wednesday, October 28.