COP4226, Homework 2

Due Monday, 9/5 (not late until 6am, 9/6)

Create a Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio. The project will use the user settings to save the size and location of the main form. It will also retrieve information from the user and display the accumulated data.

User Settings

Create user settings for the size of the form and the desktop location of the form.

Main Form

Create a main form that will have a group box and a list view.

Create a video

Create a 2-5 minute mp4 video. You may use the free version of Screencast-o-matic. The video must include:

Submitting the Assignment

Zip your entire project and upload on the web. Exclude the Debug and Release directories.
Submitting Homework Online.

Be sure to include your control library in your uploaded file.

Upload your video to me using the upload program on my class page:
Submitting Homework Online.