A PPP connection is a Direct Connection to the internet, as opposed to the SLIP emulation which requires logging on to a host computer.
Here is what you need to do to set up Dial-up-Networking to dial the school over a PPP connection
You can now double click the new icon, then hit the Connect button, this will connect you to FIU.
When you see that you have connected, start your browser.
Once you have a connection to the web, then it will be possible to download software via an FTP program. You can obtain a free version of an FTP program for Windows95 or Windows 3.1 from the labs in PC413 or PC411.
When you get home, follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file on how to install the programs.
Once you have the FTP program installed, and have connected to the web, then you can run the FTP program and download software from the web. The first piece of software to obtain will be a web browser, either Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Netscape FTP sites: Netscape Communications, Mountain View, California, U.S.A.
Address Directory File ftp2.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp3.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp4.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp5.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp6.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp7.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp8.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp9.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp10.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp11.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp12.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe ftp20.netscape.com /pub/navigator/3.01/windows n16e301.exe
FTP sites for Microsoft Internet Explorer
Unfortunately, most of the US sites for this are http sites, not FTP. I tried connecting to some foreign FTP sites, but I never succeeded. If you want Internet Explorer, then I suggest you get Netscape Navigator first, then go to Microsoft's web page http://www.microsoft.com and download Explorer from there.
There is an excellent page on the web that takes you on a step-by-step journey through the jungle of setting up your Win95 PC for using the shool's web server. Check out Barry's Page for setting up a PPP/SLIP connection.
This page takes you through the first three steps, Installing Network support, Installing SLIP and Dial-Up Scripting, Creating a Dial-Up Connection showing you all the screens you will see in Windows95.