1. What are the types of software that are used every time page is accessed on the internet? 2. What does the browser send to the server? 3. What does the server send to the browser? 4. Give examples of the type of information that is contained in a request from a browser. 5. Give examples of the type of information that is contained in a response from a server. 6. Define protocol. 7. What is the name of the protocol that is used to communicate over the web? 8. How does the server know when the request headers have ended? 9. What three things are contained in the first line of the request from a browser? 10. What three things are contained in the first line of the response from a server? 11. What is the name of the response header that identifies the type of the content that is being returned from the server? 12. Define MIME type. 13. What is the basic structure of a MIME type. 14. Give several examples of MIME types. 15. Why use MIME types instead of using the extension of the file to indentify content? 16. Give a general definition of a markup language. 17. What is the name of the markup language that is used on the internet? 18. What is the structure of a tag in HTML? 19. What are the two general types of HTML tags? 20. Write the HTML that will display the text "important" as strong. 21. Write a complete page using standard HTML. 22. What are the names of the tags that are used by HTML validators. 23. Define word wrap. 24. Name two tags that can be used to force a new line to start in an HTML page. 25. Write the HTML that will start a new line. 26. Define hyoertext. 27. Write a hypertext link using an absolute reference to the page index.html in the path /docs at microsoft.com. 28. Write a hypertext link using a relative reference to the page index.html in a subdirectory of the current location. 29. Write a hypertext link using a relative reference to the page index.html in a subdirectory of the root of the server. 30. Reference 1: http://server.com/ch1/sub/first.html; Reference 2: http://server.com/ch1/index.jsp. Write a hypertext link using a relative reference from index.jsp to first.html. 31. Reference 1: http://server.com/ch1/sub/first.html; Reference 2: http://server.com/ch1/index.jsp. Write a hypertext link using a relative reference from first.html to index.jsp. 32. What is the function of HTML forms? 33. What is the name of the tag for an HTML form? Is it paired or singleton? 34. What is the purpose of the name and value attributes in an input element? 35. Write the HTML for a text element with a name of school and a value of FIU. 36. List the special characters that are used to send name/value pairs in the query string. 37. Write the query string for an input element named school and a value of FIU that is submitted from a form with a button named nextButton with a value of Next. 38. Write the directory structure for a web application named examples. 39. What is the name of the configuration file for a web application? In which directory does it belong? 40. What are the steps to add a web.xml to a web application? (Look in the Appendix.) 41. Define what a Java Server Page (JSP) is. 42. Define expression language. 43. Write the EL that will retrieve the value of a parameter named school from the query string. 44. Write the HTML for a text input element named school that will be initialized with the corresponding value from the query string. 45. Why is it important to use quotes around the value when initializing an input element? 46. Write the HTML for a text input element named term that will be initialized with the Spring 2013. 47. What does the servlet engine do to a JSP before the dynamic content can be processed? 48. What is the name of the method in a servlet for a JSP that processes the expression language statement ${param.hobby}? 49. What does the web server do with the request data when a request is received for a JSP? 50. What does the web server do with the response data when a request is received for a JSP? 51. How often does the servlet engine translate a JSP into a servlet? 52. When is a servlet for a JSP loaded into memory? 53. What does the servlet engine do with the request and response data? 54. What is the name of the method that the servlet engine calls to generate the response to the browser? 55. What are the types of the parameters to the _jspService method? 56. Write the method signature for the _jspService method.