Review Topics for Exam 1

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Online Book

Chapter 1

  1. Introduction
  2. Browser - Server Communication
    1. HTTP
    2. Request Format
    3. Response Format
    4. Content Type
  3. Markup Language
    1. Hypertext Markup Language
    2. Basic Tags for a Web Page
      1. Standard Tags
      2. Page Structure
      3. Word Wrap
      4. Try It: Formatted Poem
    3. What is the HT in HTML?
      1. Anchor Tag
      2. Absolute and Relative References
  4. HTML Forms
    1. Form Tags
      1. Try It: Simple Form
    2. Representing Data
    3. Transmitting Data over the Web
      1. Try It: Examine Query String
    4. Processing Form Data
      1. Web Application
      2. JSP
      3. Try It: First JSP
    5. Initializing Form Elements
      1. Try It: Initialized Form
      2. Try It: Badly Initialized Form
  5. Summary
  6. Chapter Review

Chapter 2

  1. Introduction
  2. Sending Data to Another Form
    1. Action Attribute
      1. Try It: Passing Data to a Second Form
      2. Relative and Absolute References
    2. Hidden Field Technique
      1. First Attempt - Failure
      2. Try It: Passing Data Back - Failure
      3. Second Attempt - Hidden Fields
      4. Try It: Passing Data Back - Hidden Fields
    3. Sending Data to Either of Two Pages
      1. Adding Another Form
      2. Try It: Passing Data - Three Pages
  3. The Truth About JSPs
    1. Servlet for a JSP
    2. Handling a JSP
      1. JSP Request Process
      2. Servlet Engine Response
  4. Using a Controller
    1. Controller Details
      1. Request and Response Objects
      2. Referencing Parameters
      3. Testing for the Presence of a Button
      4. Forwarding Control to another JSP
      5. The Big if
    2. JSP Controller
      1. Including Java Code
      2. Controller Code
      3. Edit Page
      4. Confirm Page
      5. Process Page
      6. Try It: JSP Controller
    3. JSPs versus Servlets
  5. Summary
  6. Chapter Review