Photo Album

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Primary desk. On the left is nala, my Powerbook G4. The center console is my primary work computer,, with its dual-head setup. On the bottom right you can see uzuri and vixen, vixen being the first Linux system ever in the department. Of course, Tux the Linux Penguin sits proudly on top of the monitor! The keyboard is an IBM Model M, the best keyboard ever created.

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The other side of the office, where machine setup and configuration is done. Basically a console with a KVM switch, and a few machines sitting under the desk currently being worked on. Shelves with lots of odds and ends adorn the wall. Of course, no hunting is allowed in my office! A Macintosh Classic sits here too for those bursts of nostalgia.

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My wall'o'stuff, including a bulletin board, and random amusing silly things. }:) The white tiger photo is Shoshauna, one of the tigers at Vanishing Species Wildlife that I like to interact with. The framed picture of Simba and Nala is actually fan artwork by an acquaintance of mine in Russia. She's pretty cool and you can see her artwork at, though she hasn't drawn anything in a while.

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The last corner of the office, with the Wrong Number Telephone, so named because all the calls it gets are wrong numbers. Also present is a VCR/monitor for handling video, and the whiteboard used for scheming and planning world domination. }:)

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