COT 3530: Data Structures -- Spring 02
Frequently Asked Questions

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Program 3

Apr 18:
  > When counting edges, does the edge that connects Vertex a with Vertex b
  > and  the edge that connects Vertex b with Vertex a count as two
  > separate vertices  or as one? 
  You are given an undirected graph. So an edge connecting vertices a and b
  is counted as one (even though you have two distinct entries for them).

Apr 15:
  > There are no paths for most of the queries in the CityPairs.dat
  > with a threshold of 150. What should we do?
  Change LENGTH_THRESHOLD to 200 instead of 150.

  > What is the "cost" of an edge?
  Cost of en edge equals its length or its weight. The length of an
  edge equals the Euclidean distance between its endpoints.

  > What is the degree of a vertex? What do you mean by the "average
  > degree of a vertex"?
  Degree of a vertex equals the number of other vertices adajacent to
  it (i.e., # of edges incident on it, or the same as the length of
  its adjacency list). For the average degree, what is required is the
  average degree of the graph (not of every vertex). This equals
  the sum of the degrees divided by the number of vertices.

  > Is there a typographical error in what edges to add? 
  YES! It should read: "The edges in the graph consists of every 
  possible edge whose length is at most LENGTH_THRESHOLD (use 150 
  units for this assignment)." In other words, the only vertices that
  are adjacent to each other are the ones that are closer than 150 units
  from each other. 

Apr 11:
  > Should we change Vertex data field from String to int?
  >      public String name;     //from this
  >      public int name;          //to this
  That is a reasonable change to make. 

Apr 9:
  > If the hash value of a word is 25 and it is inserted at location
  > 30, what should be reported for the word: 25 or 30?
  I suggest you report both values. Its hash value and the location
  where it was finally inserted.

  > The URL given in the handout for the Macbeth text has typos.
  Yes. It should read:

  > Why are different people getting different count answers? 
  > How can we debug?
  People are getting wrong answers because of bugs in their programs.
  These bugs arise because of incorrect handling of
  punctuations/spaces.  To debug your program. Make a file with
  multiple copies of only one word -- say "play". But strew the file
  with punctuations in every form as it appears in the data file. Now
  check your answers and debug. You should not be relying on the
  answers give you to check your programs. You are supposed to debug

Apr 8:
  > Do we insert duplicates? Weiss' code does not.
  What would be the purpose of inserting duplicates? Leave them out.

Apr 7:
  > Is there a reason that Weiss's code does not ask for a HashCode when an
  > element is added?  I looked at the text book and he did not do a good
  > job of explaining his hashing code.
  Not true. Method add calls findPos on line 8 (pg 702), which in turn calls
  hasCode() on line 10 (pg 703). The blurb at the top of Sec 20.4.1 (p 697)
  explains some of the logic. hashCode is a method that needs to be defined
  for any object that you want to create a hash table for. This paragraph also
  explains the algorithm used in Java's predefined hashCode() method for the
  String object. This is also explained in:
  under the description for hashCode().

  > HashSet extends AbstractCollection. Do i need to import this as well
  > or do i use the AbstractCollection from the java libraries? Also, 
  > Hashmap extends MapImpl. Where do I find that?
  All these files are now downloadable from the course website. In
  fact you can find all the files from weiss.util and weiss.nonstandard
  on your course website (look under useful links). 

  > Are "o'" and "I'" considered different from (or same as) "o" and "I"?

  > To change the Table Size of Hamlet to 8191, do I have to change the 
  > "DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE" in the HashSet class or is there another way?
  A better way is to add another constructor to the HashSet class.

Apr 6:
  > Are we supposed to use the Hashtable class or the Hashset class?  In
  > the assignment, it says to read the story into a Hashtable, but later
  > on it says that we need to use the Hashset class.
  "Hash tables" are what these data structures are called generically. 
  You are required to use the class called "HashSet" (or HashMap) as 
  implemented in Weiss' book. You can download this from our course
  web site.

  > When removing all words that are capitalized, my program removes 
  > the words "A" and "I" - is this correct, or  should I make 
  > exceptions for those words?
  > What about the "I" following the words SCENE and ACT? Should that "I"
  > be  included as part of the text?
  "A" & "I" are valid words and should not be removed (even though 
  they are all capitalized). So they should be treated as exceptions. 
  However, the "I" following SCENE or ACT should not be treated as
  words. You could treat "ACT" or "SCENE" as special words for which
  you need to ignore the word following it. 

  > Do you have answers for homework #4?
 Answer:   (Updated but not verified!)
  Here are the top 10 frequencies that several of the students of your class
  generated for the Hamlet text. Alternate answers are also provided.
  [Thanks for all who emailed me. If you have different answers, email me.]
  the  196 (maybe 197?)
  of   164
  to   156 (maybe 155?)
  and  154
  I    112 (?)
  it   107
  my   104
  in   101 (not 102: you are counting in't)
  you  99 (maybe 97?)
  not  74
  And  73
  The Size of largest Cluster is 6
  The Average Cluster size is 1.430
  Load factor is 23% or 0.23

Apr 5:
  > Do I need to differentiate a word with the first capital letter 
  > and the same word written without the first uppercase letter?
  Ideally you should treat the words "he" and "He" as different occurrences of
  the same word. However, for this assignment, you may treat them as different

Apr 2:
  > Can the code from HashSet (from Weiss' text) be changed for our programs? 
  You can only change it in limited ways. In particular, any changes
  should leave the insertions in the same location. 

Mar 30:
  > Are all punctuations to be ignored in words. 
  After looking at the text more carefully, it seems that there should
  be some exceptions. Words such as 'tis,  usurp'st, 
  Let's,  do't,  to-night,  bed-rid,  etc., 
  should be treated as one word. The apostrophe (') and the hyphen (-)are 
  therefore to be treated as regular alphabetical characters. Watch
  out for those double hyphens, which are to be treated as
  punctuations and not part of the words. For example, in  As, in
  their birth--wherein they are not guilty,, the words birth and
  wherein are two separate words. You can leave the apostrophe or the
  hyphen as characters in the stored word. 

Program 2

Feb 6:
  > Is there an error in the FORMULA for length INCREASE when a city
  > is inserted? 

  YES!!! It should read:
  increase = distance(a,c) + distance(b,c) - distance(a,b)
  Note the "-" instead of the "+" for the last term.

  >     I was looking at the general description of the homework and I just
  >     realized that trying to implement the LinkedList java class in
  >     order to solve for this problem is not going to be possible because
  >     the LinkedList class can only be implemented in situations where
  >     you only have to perform stacking, queueing, and dequeueing
  >     operations
  > I don't think this class can be used to implement a doubly or circular
  > linked list. I checked the documentation for the linked list class and
  > it says and I quote "the LinkedList class provides uniformly named
  > methods to get, remove and insert an element at the beginning and end
  > of the list. These operations allow linked lists to be used as a stack,
  > queue, or double-ended queue (deque)."

  I am not sure where your quote is from. As discussed in class, LinkedList is
  particularly useful anytime there is a need to insert in the middle of an
  existing list, which is the case for your assignment. LinkedList class
  provides a whole host of methods to insert and delete from anywhere in the
  list. These methods are clearly explained at the following website:

  The right thing to do is to declare a class called Tour and have the
  following field in it:
          private LinkedList tour;
  Now all methods in Tour can access methods such as tour.add(..) or
  tour.get(..) and so on.

  > Do I need to use CIRCULAR linked lists?

  NO!!! That was a typo in the handout. You only need to use the class
  LinkedList defined in java.util.* As you know, this is a
  DOUBLY-linked list. Note that you do not need to implement any of
  the methods required for the linked list. You should be using only
  the standard methods provided by the LinkedList class.

  > I have been working on the homework assignment for a little while and I
  > am now on the part where I need to design the tour.  Before I ask the
  > question, let me first explain the way that I am doing the assignment. 
  > I am reading the text file into my program and am using the
  > information to create cities, which I then bring into a LinkedList.

  The cities are given in some input order. Your program needs to output an
  ordering of the cities that has "small" TourLength. First of all, there is
  no need to create a linked list that simply reads in the cities in the given
  input order. All you need is one linked list with the tour that your program

 Question (Cont'd): 
  > What I then plan to do is to iterate through my list and create the
  > tour by copying cities into another LinkedList in the correct order of
  > the tour, then deleting cities from the original LinkedList as I
  > include them into the tour. what I do not understand is the
  > findBestInsertPoint function.  If I was to use this function, wouldn't
  > I need to have a full tour planned out befrore I find a suitable place
  > to insert the city?  

  If you already have a full tour planned, then there is no need to "insert" a
  city into the tour. The "insertion" is part of the planning to find a good
  tour. Here is a better explanation of what you need.

  If the input has n cities, then the program operates in n iterations. At the
  end of the i-th iteration the program should have constructed a "partial"
  tour on the first i cities it has read in. The first 3 iterations are part
  of the initialization. The first 3 cities are read in and an initial tour on
  the first 3 cities is constructed as described in the handout. All
  subsequent iterations follow the same scheme described below. Thus, in
  iteration i+1, the program reads in the coordinates of the i-th city and
  "inserts" it into the "partial" tour that it is maintaining on the the
  firsti cities. It has i different possible locations to "insert" the i+1-st
  city it reads in -- either between the first and second city, or between the
  second and the third, and so on. It picks the best of these possibilities as
  described in the handout (i.e., by finding which insertion location results
  in the minimum increase), and then inserts this city in that location in the
  partial tour. Therefore, at the end of this iteration, it now holds a
  partial tour on i+1 cities. 

  Since you read in a city and process it immediately, you do not need a
  separate list holding the cities that you read in. Once a city is inserted
  in a certain location in the existing partial tour, its location never
  changes after that.

Feb 12:
  > What if 2 positions to insert a particular city results in the same
  > minimal increase to the tour. How should I proceed then? Thanks.

    Pick the first of the two, assuming you always start the search from the
    "home" city.

Feb 14:
  > What are the Tour Lengths for the 2 Data files

    TenPts.dat         3.242394736577974   
    HundredPts.dat     9.035409298071231   

Feb 17:
  > Please give us details on the solution for TenPts.dat.


  Initial Tour: 0, 1, 2
  TourLength  = 1.1292246164356026

  Iteration 3:  
  Tour: 0, 1, 3, 2 
  Inc = 0.3528549427219845, TourLength = 1.482079559157587

  Iteration 4:  
  Tour: 0, 1, 3, 4, 2
  Inc = 0.41382126925007257, TourLength = 1.8959008284076595

  Iteration 5:  
  Tour: 0, 1, 3, 5, 4, 2
  Inc = 0.6894131465178641, TourLength = 2.5853139749255236

  Iteration 6:  
  Tour: 0, 1, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2
  Inc = 0.2027319016362315, TourLength = 2.788045876561755

  Iteration 7:  
  Tour: 0, 1, 6, 7, 3, 5, 4, 2
  Inc = 0.30610510061136, TourLength = 3.094150977173115

  Iteration 8:  
  Tour: 0, 8, 1, 6, 7, 3, 5, 4, 2
  Inc = 0.14458036109977285, TourLength = 3.2387313382728875

  Iteration 9:  
  Tour: 0, 8, 1, 6, 7, 3, 9, 5, 4, 2
  Inc = 0.0036633983050865515, TourLength = 3.242394736577974

  > How many points will be taken off the program if the city list and
  > total tourlength is incorrect, but everything else wanted for the
  > program is there?

  Correctness is very important. I will not be able to distinguish between
  someone who has spent a lot of time debugging versus someone who has simply
  slapped together a program that runs and does something close to correct. 
  Debugging is a special skill that you are expected to experience and
  learn from.