package weiss.util; /** * MapImpl implements the Map on top of a set. * It should be extended by TreeMap and HashMap, with * chained calls to the constructor. */ abstract class MapImpl implements Map { private Set theSet; protected abstract Map.Entry makePair( Object key, Object value ); protected abstract Set makeEmptyKeySet( ); protected abstract Set clonePairSet( Set pairSet ); private Map.Entry makePair( Object key ) { return makePair( key, null ); } protected MapImpl( Set s ) { theSet = s; } protected MapImpl( Map m ) { theSet = m.entrySet( ); } /** * Returns the number of keys in this map. * @return the number of keys in this collection. */ public int size( ) { return theSet.size( ); } /** * Tests if this map is empty. * @return true if the size of this map is zero. */ public boolean isEmpty( ) { return theSet.isEmpty( ); } /** * Tests if this map contains a given key. * @param key the key to search for. * @return true if the map contains the key. */ public boolean containsKey( Object key ) { return theSet.contains( makePair( key ) ); } /** * Returns the value in the map associated with the key. * @param key the key to search for. * @return the value that matches the key or null * if the key is not found. Since null values are allowed, * checking if the return value is null may not * be a safe way to ascertain if the key is present in the map. */ public Object get( Object key ) { Object match = theSet.getMatch( makePair( key ) ); if( match == null ) return null; else return ( (Map.Entry) match ).getValue( ); } /** * Adds the key value pair to the map, overriding the * original value if the key was already present. * @param key the key to insert. * @param value the value to insert. * @return the old value associated with the key, or * null if the key was not present prior to this call. */ public Object put( Object key, Object value ) { Object oldValue = get( key ); theSet.add( makePair( key, value ) ); return oldValue; } /** * Remove the key and its value from the map. * @param key the key to remove. * @return the previous value associated with the key, * or null if the key was not present prior to this call. */ public Object remove( Object key ) { Object oldValue = get( key ); if( oldValue != null ) theSet.remove( makePair( key ) ); return oldValue; } /** * Removes all key value pairs from the map. */ public void clear( ) { theSet.clear( ); } /** * Returns the keys in the map. * These semantics are different from those in java.util because * in this class, changes made to the returned key set do not cause * changes to be reflected in the map. * @return the keys in the map. */ public Set keySet( ) { Iterator itr = theSet.iterator( ); Set result = makeEmptyKeySet( ); while( itr.hasNext( ) ) result.add( ( (Map.Entry) ) ).getKey( ) ); return result; } /** * Returns the values in the map. There may be duplicates. * These semantics are different from those in java.util because * in this class, changes made to the returned value collection * do not cause changes to be reflected in the map. * @return the values in the map. */ public Collection values( ) { Iterator itr = theSet.iterator( ); Collection result = new ArrayList( ); while( itr.hasNext( ) ) result.add( ( (Map.Entry) ) ).getValue( ) ); return result; } /** * Return a set of Map.Entry objects corresponding to * the key/value pairs in the map. * These semantics are different from those in java.util because * in this class, changes made to the returned key/value set do not cause * changes to be reflected in the map. * @return the key/value pairs in the map. */ public Set entrySet( ) { return clonePairSet( theSet ); } /** * Return a reference to the underlying set. */ protected Set getSet( ) { return theSet; } }