CRC: 0xF6F25966 File: actresses.list Date: Thu Jun 26 01:00:00 1997 Copyright 1993-1997 The Internet Movie Database Ltd. All rights reserved. See the section at the end of this file for full details of the license. Welcome to the latest version of the actresses list. Please feel free to submit entries for actresses not already on the list, or new entries for existing actresses. This list is managed by Col Needham from 1990-1993 it was managed by Andy Krieg . If you have any additions or corrections please respond by e-mail only. The section at the end of the list contains details on the formats to use. The copying policy is also described at the end of the list. The Internet Movie Database consists of the following lists: List | Maintained by | Updated ---------------------|-------------------------------------------|---------- Actors | Col Needham | 06/20/97 Actresses | Col Needham | 06/20/97 Alternative Names | Michel Hafner | 06/20/97 Alternative Titles | Michel Hafner | 06/20/97 Alternative Versions | Giancarlo Cairella | 06/20/97 Biographies | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Business | Giancarlo Cairella | 06/20/97 Cast Completion | Col Needham | 06/20/97 Crew Completion | Col Needham | 06/20/97 Certificates | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Cinematographers | Michel Hafner | 06/20/97 Color Information | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Composers | Michel Hafner | 06/20/97 Costume Designers | Harald Mayr | 06/20/97 Countries | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Crazy Credits | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Directors | Michel Hafner | 06/20/97 Distributors | Rob Hartill | 06/20/97 Editors | Harald Mayr | 06/20/97 Genres | Colin Tinto | 06/20/97 Goofs | Murray Chapman | 06/13/97 Language | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Laser Discs | Peter Simeon | 06/20/97 Literature | Giancarlo Cairella | 06/20/97 Locations | Rob Hartill | 06/20/97 Misc. Companies | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Misc. Filmography | Col Needham | 06/20/97 Movie Links | Col Needham | 06/20/97 Movies | Michel Hafner | 06/20/97 MPAA Ratings Reasons | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Plot Summaries | Colin Tinto | 06/20/97 Producers | Andre Bernhardt | 06/13/97 Production Companies | Rob Hartill | 06/20/97 Production Designers | Harald Mayr | 06/20/97 Quotes | Bob Glickstein | 06/13/97 Ratings | Col Needham | 06/20/97 Release Dates | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Running Times | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 SFX Companies | Rob Hartill | 06/20/97 Sound Mix | Mark Harding | 06/20/97 Soundtracks | Ron Higgins | 06/20/97 Tag Lines | Rob Hartill | 06/20/97 Technical Info | Peter Simeon | 06/20/97 Trivia | Murray Chapman | 06/13/97 Writers | Jon Reeves | 06/20/97 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The files are available via FTP as follows: in /pub/info/imdb in /pub/misc/movies/database in /pub/culture/tv+film/database in /pub/tv+movies/imdb SEARCHING THE DATABASE ====================== The movie database frequently asked questions list contains more information on the whole movie database project. For a copy send an e-mail message with the subject "HELP FAQ" to . Here is a summary of the ways to access the database: (1) WWW interface The Internet Movie Database is available over the WWW. The following sites are owned and operated by or for the IMDb: [USA] [UK] [Italy] News and pointers to all IMDb sites are available at IMDb HQ: (2) e-mail interface For details send a message with the subject HELP to (3) local installation (Unix/Amiga) The movie database package enables you to install the data locally and provides a variety of search tools. It is available via anonymous FTP: in /pub/info/imdb/tools/moviedb-3.3c.tar.gz in /pub/culture/tv+film/database/tools/moviedb-3.3c.tar.gz in /pub/misc/movies/database/tools/moviedb-3.3c.tar.gz in /pub/tv+movies/imdb/tools/moviedb-3.3c.tar.gz see the README file in the same directories for more information. The Amiga version is in the file imdb3_5_Amiga.lha (4) local installation (MS-DOS) The CineBASE program provides an MS-DOS interface to the database: in /pub/info/imdb/tools/msdos/ in /pub/culture/tv+film/database/tools/msdos/ in pub/misc/movies/database/tools/msdos/ in /pub/tv+movies/imdb/tools/msdos/ (5) local installation (OS/2) The Alternative Movie Database package provides a graphical and text based interface for OS/2: in /pub/info/imdb/tools/os2/ in /pub/culture/tv+film/database/tools/os2/ in pub/misc/movies/database/tools/os2/ in /pub/tv+movies/imdb/tools/os2/ (5) local installation (Windows 95/Windows NT) The Alternative Movie Database package is also available as a text only interface for Win-32 systems (95/NT): in /pub/info/imdb/tools/win32/ in /pub/culture/tv+film/database/tools/win32/ in pub/misc/movies/database/tools/win32/ in /pub/tv+movies/imdb/tools/win32/ Col ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RULES: 1 Movies and recurring TV roles only, no guest appearances 2 Please submit entries in the format outlined at the end of the list 3 Feel free to submit new actresses "xxxxx" = a television series "xxxxx" (mini) = a television mini-series [xxxxx] = character name = number to indicate billing position in credits (TV) = TV movie, or made for cable movie (V) = made for video movie (this category does NOT include TV episodes repackaged for video, guest appearances in variety/comedy specials released on video, or self-help/physical fitness videos) (AA) = academy award winner (best actress) (AAN) = academy award nominee (best actress) (S:AA) = academy award winner (best supporting actress) (S:AAN) = academy award nominee (best supporting actress) (GG) = golden globe winner (best drama actress) (GGN) = golden globe nominee (best drama actress) (C:GG) = golden globe winner (best comedy/musical actress) (C:GGN) = golden globe nominee (best comedy/musical actress) (S:GG) = golden globe winner (best supporting actress) (S:GGN) = golden globe nominee (best supporting actress) (N:GG) = golden globe winner (best newcomer) THE ACTRESSES LIST ================== Name Titles ---- ------ Ana, A X (1994) Y (1994) Z (1995) (TV) Berman, Bill X (1994) A (1996) "J" (1997) Casper, Cup A (1996) B (1997) C (1992) Dill, Diana C (1992) F (1994) Engel, Elaine A (1996) Z (1995) (TV) Fogel, Frank F (1994) "J" (1997) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMITTING UPDATES ================== We rely on users of the database to submit corrections and additions to keep the list as accurate and complete as possible. The most convenient method for submitting them is via the movie mail-server's central collection service. For a comprehensive guide send an e-mail message with the subject: HELP ADD FULL to The instructions specific to the actresses list are given below. EASY TEMPLATE BASED INTERFACE ============================= This is the most straightforward way to update the database and is recommended for users not familiar with the keyword based interface. You simply request a template containing the the current details of the actress you wish to submit updates for from the mail-server. The template contains full instructions on how to update the information, but basically all you do is edit the file, fill in the missing details and send it back for processing. You can request a template by sending e-mail with the subject or body containing lines of the form: TEMPL NAME , to . For example, TEMPL NAME Hepburn, Katharine KEYWORD INTERFACE ================= This is the most flexible interface but can appear quite complex if you aren't familiar with the organization of the database. Additions --------- (1) mark the start of the data with the word: ACTRESS (2) for each addition, include on a separate line an entry of the form: ||<attributes>|<character name>|<order> where: <name> is the actresses name in <surname>, <firstname> order. Please note the space after the comma as in: "Hepburn, Katharine". <title> is the title of the movie or TV-series in which the actress appeared, please include the year of release as part of the title (see examples below). <attributes> records any award nominations or wins and in most cases will be empty. Example attributes include: (AA) = academy award winner (best actress) (AAN) = academy award nominee (best actress) (S:AA) = academy award winner (best supporting actress) (S:AAN) = academy award nominee (best supporting actress) (GG) = golden globe winner (best drama actress) (GGN) = golden globe nominee (best drama actress) <character name> is the character name of the actress. <order> is a number to record the position in which the actress appears in the credits (1=star billing) The full additions guide contains more information on the formats. Notes: - Apart from the <name> and <title> all these fields are optional, but please leave the "|" separator for any blank fields, otherwise the some of the data may be lost. - Guest appearances in TV-series are NOT eligible for the main actors and actresses list. The person must have played a recurring role across a number of episodes in order to be included. See the section describing the biography database for an alternative method of adding this type of information. - Please only credit individual names. For example, if all the members of a particular rock group appeared in a movie then include them under their individual names and not the name of the whole group. - The actors and actresses sections are for people only. No animals. Examples: ACTRESS Hepburn, Katharine|Bringing Up Baby (1938)||Susan Vance|2 Hepburn, Katharine|Philadelphia Story, The (1940)||| Hepburn, Katharine|African Queen, The (1952)|(AAN)||2 Foster, Jodie|Silence of the Lambs, The (1990)|(AA)|| (3) If the additions include a title that is new to the database and you know the year of release, please also include a section of the form: TITLE <title>|<year>| Example: TITLE Bringing Up Baby (1938)|1938| Silence of the Lambs, The (1990)|1990| (4) Mark the end of your data with the word END on a separate line. (5) Mail the data to <>. The mail-server will mail a receipt back to you and place the data in the queue for processing by the list managers in the next update. Character Name Additions ------------------------ If you wish to add character names to *existing* entries in the database only, use the keyword: CHARA and the format: <name>|<title>|<character name> Cast Ordering Additions ----------------------- If you wish to add cast ordering information to *existing* entries in the database only, use the keyword: ORDER and the format: <name>|<title>|<order> Deletions --------- To delete an incorrect entry on the list, the format is similar to those described above, but a '!' character is placed at the start of each entry. The format is: ACTRESS !<name>|<title>| For example: ACTRESS !Bergman, Ingrid|Notorious (1992) (TV)| Corrections ----------- (1) Correcting a name across the whole database If you spot a spelling error in a name in the database, use the keyword NAMECORRECT and the format: <current name>|<correct name> For example: NAMECORRECT Hepbern, Katharine|Hepburn, Katharine (2) Replacing an individual entry Replacements can be made by deleting the incorrect entry and adding the correct version. For example: ACTRESS !Bergman, Ingrid|Notorious (1992) (TV)| Bergman, Ingrid|Notorious (1946)| (3) Other corrections Finally, if your correction cannot be expressed in the forms above, use the keyword: CORRECT and then include a description of your correction in a free text over as many lines as you need. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYING POLICY ============== This file is copyright (c) 1993-1997 by The Internet Movie Database Ltd. All rights reserved. Disclaimer ---------- This is a database of movie related information compiled by Internet Movie Database Ltd (IMDb). While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the database IMDb gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained in the database. IMDb reserves the right to withdraw or delete information at any time. This service is provided for the information of users only. It is not provided with the intention that users rely upon the information for any purposes. Accordingly, IMDb shall under no circumstances be liable for any loss or damage, including but not limited to loss of profits, goodwill or indirect or consequential loss arising out of any use of or inaccuracies in the information. All warranties express or implied are excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law. All information in this file is Copyright 1997 Internet Movie Database Limited. Reproduction, distribution or transmission by any means without the prior permission of IMDb is prohibited. All rights reserved. For further information contact <> ------------------------------------------------------- All data and software released by Internet Movie Database Ltd is freely available to anyone within certain limitations. You are encouraged to quote subsets of the database in USENET articles, movie related FAQs, magazine articles etc. We do ask, however, that you make reference to the source of the data and provide a pointer to the database for the benefit of the reader. Permission is granted by the copyright holder to allow free distribution of this file and any other part of the Internet Movie Database in an ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY, providing the following conditions are met: 1. NO FEE OF ANY KIND, however indirect, will be charged for its distribution. If this file is being stored for later distribution to anyone that can be construed as a customer of yourself or your organisation YOU MUST contact Internet Movie Database Ltd for permission. 2. Each of the database files may be distributed individually but only in an unaltered form. All the header and trailer information, including this notice and the details on how to access the database, must remain intact. 3. Specifically the files may NOT be used to construct any kind of on-line database (except for individual personal use). Clearance for ALL such on-line data resources must be requested from Internet Movie Database Ltd 4. In addition, copies of the Internet Movie Database frequently asked questions list and additions guide must be made available in the same area / by the same method as the other database files. 5. CD-ROM distribution is prohibited without written permission from the Internet Movie Database Ltd Distribution by e-mail, BBS and Internet systems is positively encouraged within these limitations. The files and software which make up the movie database may be uploaded to commercial BBS systems providing that the above conditions are met and no *additional* fees are applied above the standard connect time or downloading charges. For further information contact <>