Note taker: Shanti Mangala
Lecture # 17
November 4th, 1998
Amortized Analysis
Amortized Cost:
If the time complexity to perform n operations is T(n) in the worst case, then the amortized cost per operation is T(n)/n. This way we get an overall picture of all the operations together, rather than the cost of individual operations, which may vary widely in terms of time complexity.
Problem 1: Analysis of stacks: Consider the problem of maintaining a stack and performing n operations such that --
Case 1: Operations performed: PUSH(S, x), POP(S)
Here we can clearly see that --
cost of each operation = 1 Þ cost of n operations = O(n) Þ cost per operation = 1
Case 2: Operations performed: PUSH(S, x), MULTIPOP(S, k)
In this case,
cost of PUSH = 1
cost of MULTIPOP(S, k) = k
using naïve analysis, total cost for n operations = O(n2)
Problem 2: Binary Counter: Now consider the problem of incrementing a binary counter n times, starting from 0.
Operations performed: Increment (A)
sample table with 6 bits:
000000 000001 000010 000011 000010 000011 000100 000101 000110 |
000111 001000 001001 001010 001011 001100 001101 001110 001111 |
010000 010001 010010 010011 010100 010101 010110 010111 011000 |
011001 011010 011011 011100 011101 011110 011111 100000 100001… |
Assuming that the counter starts from 0 and using naïve analysis, since the counter can be represented by O(log n) bits, each operation costs O(log n) time. So we can say that
cost of n increments = O(n log n),
Amortized analyses for the above problems:
We now perform a more careful analysis for the above problems.
Accounting Method:
Problem 1: Let us say that every time we perform a PUSH an element, we set aside a cost of 2, one for the PUSH, and one for the POP of the element. At the end of n operations, we can easily see that every item can be PUSHED and POPPED only once, the total cost of all operations, regardless of the type of POP, turns out to be atmost 2n, which means that the amortized cost,
i.e., the cost per operation £ 2.
Problem 2: In this problem, if we look at the table, we can see that the actual number of bits changed is only 1 for every alternate operation, 2 for every 4th operation, and so on. So, now, taking all these things into consideration, the analysis is:
Total time complexity, O (2n) Þ
cost per operation = 2
Potential Method:
This is a very powerful and elegant method for amortized analysis. The first step involves defining an appropriate potential function F . The amortized cost of the ith operation, ai = ci + F (Di) - F (Di – 1), where ci is the actual cost of the ith operation, which means that the amortized cost is the sum of the real cost and the change in potential.
Hence the total amortized cost is S ai = F (Dn) - F (D0) + S ci, and if F (Dn) ³ F (D0), then S ai ³ S ci which means that the total amortized cost is greater than or equal to the total real cost.
Problem 1: If we define the potential function to be the number of elements in the stack, i.e., F (Di) = |Di|. Then, the amortized cost for a PUSH is 2,since the real cost is 1, and the amortized cost for a POP is 0, since for the POP operation, the real cost is 1 and the change in potential is -1 since the number of items decreases. With MULTIPOP, the real cost, ci = k and the change in potential, D F = -k Þ amortized cost = k - k = 0. Thus the amortized cost of each of the operations is O(1).
Problem 2: Defining the potential function, F (Di) = no. of 1's in the current counter Di, the real cost for the ith increment, ci = k Þ (k-1) 1's are changed to a 0 and one 0 is changed to a 1,
Then the change in potential, D F = -(k – 1)+1 = -(k - 2)
\ ai = (k) + (-(k – 2)) = 2
So, again from amortized analysis, we see that the amortized cost of the increments is O(1).
Amortized analysis has thus shown that the cost of n operations for each of the 2 problems considered above is only O(n), which is way better than the naïve analysis performed initially.