/* Author: Prakhar Jain */ /* http://ideone.com/mr7juv */ /* Giri's comments: Good RB-tree implementation */ // main program accepts a sequnce of 9 possible commands // commands include: // 1.Insert 2.Search 3.Inorder Walk 4.Minimum // 5.Maximum 6.Successor 7.Predecessor 8.Delete 9.Exit #include #include #define RED 1 #define BLACK 2 struct node { int key; struct node *left, *right, *p; int color; }; typedef struct node *NODEPTR; struct node NIL; NODEPTR NILPTR = &NIL; void inorder(NODEPTR x) { if (x != NILPTR) { inorder(x->left); if (x->color == RED) printf("%d* ", x->key); else printf("%d ", x->key); inorder(x->right); } } NODEPTR search(NODEPTR root, int k) { if (root == NILPTR || root->key == k) return root; if (k < root->key) return search(root->left, k); else return search(root->right, k); } NODEPTR minimum(NODEPTR root) { while (root->left != NILPTR) root = root->left; return root; } NODEPTR maximum(NODEPTR root) { while (root->right != NILPTR) root = root->right; return root; } NODEPTR successor(NODEPTR root, int x) { NODEPTR temp = search(root, x); if (temp == NILPTR) { printf("%d not in tree\n", x); return temp; } if (temp->right != NILPTR) return minimum(temp->right); NODEPTR y = temp->p; while (y != NILPTR && temp == y->right) { temp = y; y = y->p; } return y; } NODEPTR predecessor(NODEPTR root, int x) { NODEPTR temp = search(root, x); if (temp == NILPTR) { printf("%d not in tree\n", x); return temp; } if (temp->left != NILPTR) return maximum(temp->left); NODEPTR y = temp->p; while (y != NILPTR && temp == y->left) { temp = y; y = y->p; } return y; } void leftrotate(NODEPTR *treeroot, NODEPTR x) { NODEPTR y = x->right; x->right = y->left; if (y->left != NILPTR) y->left->p = x; y->p = x->p; if (x->p == NILPTR) *treeroot = y; else if (x->p->left == x) x->p->left = y; else x->p->right = y; y->left = x; x->p = y; } void rightrotate(NODEPTR *treeroot, NODEPTR y) { NODEPTR x = y->left; y->left = x->right; if (x->right != NILPTR) x->right->p = y; x->p = y->p; if (y->p == NILPTR) *treeroot = x; else if (y->p->left == y) y->p->left = x; else y->p->right = x; x->right = y; y->p = x; } void rbinsertfixup(NODEPTR *treeroot, NODEPTR z) { while (z->p->color == RED) { if (z->p == z->p->p->left) { NODEPTR y = z->p->p->right; if (y->color == RED) { z->p->color = BLACK; y->color = BLACK; z->p->p->color = RED; z = z->p->p; } else { if (z == z->p->right) { z = z->p; leftrotate(treeroot,z); } z->p->color = BLACK; z->p->p->color = RED; rightrotate(treeroot,z->p->p); } } else { NODEPTR y = z->p->p->left; if (y->color == RED) { z->p->color = BLACK; y->color = BLACK; z->p->p->color = RED; z = z->p->p; } else { if (z == z->p->left) { z = z->p; rightrotate(treeroot,z); } z->p->color = BLACK; z->p->p->color = RED; leftrotate(treeroot,z->p->p); } } } (*treeroot)->color = BLACK; } void rbinsert(NODEPTR *treeroot, int z) { NODEPTR Z = (NODEPTR) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); Z->key = z; NODEPTR y = NILPTR; NODEPTR x = *treeroot; while (x != NILPTR) { y = x; if (Z->key < x->key) x = x->left; else x = x->right; } Z->p = y; if (y == NILPTR) *treeroot = Z; else if (Z->key < y->key) y->left = Z; else y->right = Z; Z->left = NILPTR; Z->right = NILPTR; Z->color = RED; rbinsertfixup(treeroot,Z); } void rbtransplant(NODEPTR *treeroot, NODEPTR u, NODEPTR v) { if (u->p == NILPTR) *treeroot = v; else if (u == u->p->left) u->p->left = v; else u->p->right = v; v->p = u->p; } void rbdeletefixup(NODEPTR *treeroot, NODEPTR x) { while (x != *treeroot && x->color == BLACK) { if (x == x->p->left) { NODEPTR w = x->p->right; if (w->color == RED) { w->color = BLACK; x->p->color = RED; leftrotate(treeroot,x->p); w = x->p->right; } if (w->left->color == BLACK && w->right->color == BLACK) { w->color = RED; x = x->p; } else { if (w->right->color == BLACK) { w->left->color = BLACK; w->color = RED; rightrotate(treeroot,w); w = x->p->right; } w->color = x->p->color; x->p->color = BLACK; w->right->color = BLACK; leftrotate(treeroot,x->p); x = *treeroot; } } else { NODEPTR w = x->p->left; if (w->color == RED) { w->color = BLACK; x->p->color = RED; rightrotate(treeroot,x->p); w = x->p->left; } if (w->left->color == BLACK && w->right->color == BLACK) { w->color = RED; x = x->p; } else { if (w->left->color == BLACK) { w->right->color = BLACK; w->color = RED; leftrotate(treeroot,w); w = x->p->left; } w->color = x->p->color; x->p->color = BLACK; w->left->color = BLACK; rightrotate(treeroot,x->p); x = *treeroot; } } } x->color = BLACK; } void rbdelete(NODEPTR *treeroot, int z) { NODEPTR Z = search(*treeroot, z); if (Z == NILPTR) { printf("Node to be deleted not found\n"); return; } NODEPTR y = Z; int yoc = y->color; NODEPTR x; if (Z->left == NILPTR) { x = Z->right; rbtransplant(treeroot,Z,Z->right); } else if (Z->right == NILPTR) { x = Z->left; rbtransplant(treeroot,Z,Z->left); } else { y = minimum(Z->right); yoc = y->color; x = y->right; if (y->p == Z) x->p = y; else { rbtransplant(treeroot,y,y->right); y->right = Z->right; y->right->p = y; } rbtransplant(treeroot,Z,y); y->left = Z->left; y->left->p = y; y->color = Z->color; } if (yoc == BLACK) rbdeletefixup(treeroot,x); } int main() { NIL.left = NIL.right = NIL.p = NILPTR; NIL.color = BLACK; NODEPTR tree = NILPTR; int n; while (1) { printf("1.Insert\n2.Search\n3.Inorder Walk\n4.Minimum\n5.Maximum\n6.Successor\n7.Predecessor\n8.Delete\n9.Exit\n"); scanf("%d", &n); if (n == 1) { printf("Enter any number:\n"); int num; scanf("%d", &num); rbinsert(&tree, num); } else if (n == 2) { printf("Enter the number to be search\n"); int num; scanf("%d", &num); if (search(tree, num) == NILPTR) printf("%d not found\n", num); else printf("%d found\n", num); } else if (n == 3) { inorder(tree); printf("\n"); } else if (n == 4) printf("%d\n", minimum(tree)->key); else if (n == 5) printf("%d\n", maximum(tree)->key); else if (n == 6) { printf("Enter the number whose successor needs to be found\n"); int num; scanf("%d", &num); NODEPTR t = successor(tree, num); if (t != NULL) printf("%d\n", t->key); } else if (n == 7) { printf("Enter the number whose predecessor needs to be found\n"); int num; scanf("%d", &num); NODEPTR t = predecessor(tree, num); if (t != NULL) printf("%d\n", t->key); } else if (n == 8) { printf("Enter the number to be deleted\n"); int num; scanf("%d", &num); rbdelete(&tree, num); } else break; } return 0; }